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i could barely focus on anything the whole day my stomach erupted with butterflies flying wildly, my face was tinted with a pink shade the entire day my body yearned for more of his touch  but that was impossible after all he only did that because  luna told him to my mood was still bright and smiley and i stayed at work for bianca sky's wife to come in for check up he had told everyone the same day i found out, after i checked her up the rest headed home since they had plans after their shifts i stayed later until i decided to go but the rain started pouring hard all of a sudden, i decided to drive the long way since i wanted to pick up some things from the grocery store; as i went inside there was a creepy looking guy i just ignored him walking in grabbing my things and soon cashing out i walked up my car seeing a zip tie on my car door i looked around not seeing anyone i just took it off with my scissors i had in my purse and getting in my car and driving away feeling a knot in my stomach i looked on my finger seeing a white substance i just wiped it off with a wipe, as i was driving in a neighbourhood close to mine the car came to a stop all of a sudden"what" i said i checked the the gas seeing that it said it was full i walked out my car looking on my wheels both of them were flat when were they ughhhh i thought being completely soaked i stepped in my car dialing my friends which came to a voicemail i called the car tower telling them about my situation but they claim they were held up due to the rain and i should stay put for a while but i had a bad feeling in my gut and my mind was screaming at me telling me to leave the car and walk somewhere quickly and i did just that i grabbed my things and walked down the street getting frightened by every little thing, the rain came down heavier than before and i was dripping water i decided to stop at someone's house and explain but which the houses were big and looked expensive not thinking i knocked upon a door of a big pastel grey house the door opened showing a lady "hi good night can i speak to you my car broke down and the tow company won't be here for a while could i stay here for a bit until the rain stops please" "oh you poor thing come on in stand right here" she said walking away and coming back with a towel "this isn't my house im just babysitting their daughter but im sure he won't mine please come in and take a shower i'll set something for you to change in i followed her entering a marble looking bathroom with a bathtub she then left and i stripped of my clothes quickly taking a shower and stepping out and i saw a towel folded and a pair of pair t-shirts i dried off and put on the clothes over my underwear that was dried, the shirt covered everything i then put on my shoes that were heels then were knee high heels but they were cute the  smell of it was familiar i was too caught up sniffing the clothes only to hear a loud cry from a baby from downstairs i hurried down seeing the lady shushing a baby i walked it seeing her turned around and the baby head popped up and i stopped in my tracks "LUNA" i said way too loud she just jumped out the lady's arms and ran over to me "mommaaaa" she said jumping up and down "lunaaa" i said in pure excitement, i didnt think we would've met each other so soon but im happy we did; the lady stood shook and i just explained before she misunderstood, we were now drinking tea that she made for me we talked and talked keeping each others company soon she kept checking her watch soon the doorbell rang 

I was running late it was currently 11: 30 the babysitter job was up 30 minutes ago i sped down the road hearing the heavy water droplets hitting the car, i passed a black vehicle that looked sketchy soon i saw another car that was parked in the middle of the street it looked familiar the tires were slashed so im guessing someone did this and now its abandoned in the street i just drove home soon parking and knocking on the door she then opened it and i walked it "im so sorry i was held up due to a meeting with some companies" i explained soon hearing a loud giggle in the living room "is that luna why isn't she in bed" "well umm i helped a girl that car broke down by letting her stay here i hope you dont mind" no its cool as long as she isn't sketchy" "no not at all she says she is a doctor and luna calls her mom" she explained and only one person could come to mind and that was sienna, luna doesn't call anyone else mom, i pushed pass walking in the living room seeing her rocking luna putting her to sleep she looked up seeing me and her face instantly turned a shade of pink as she then looked back on luna seeing she fell asleep "uh shes asleep where is her room" "uh its upstairs thank you so much" "sienna stay bring her to her room sharon" i said as she walked out the room leaving me with sienna i took the time to slowly take in what she was wearing it was one of my shirts that practically swallowed  her and she was in a pair of leather tight heels that clung to her skin "l-lucas sorry to intrude i didnt know you lived here dont worry im only here until the tow company gets here to tow my car" "its fine stay the night this rain isn't going to end anytime soon there is a guest bedroom upstairs you can stay there" i said walking out the room giving sharon her pay as she walked out and went home i walked back inside after closing my door and entered the kitchen loosening my tie and drinking some water, she walked in and stood in the doorway "um can i have some water" she asked looking down with an even redder face "help yourself" i said she came in and took up a cup, she looked unstable but i just walked out only to hear a thud and glass mashing i ran in seeing her lying unconscious.

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