house hunting

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It was now 12 P.M. when my shift ended, amber's shift ended an hour before due to her only doing the job as an intern, i walked out the changing room looking around for her in the lobby "over here cutie"she said tapping my shoulder i just smiled while looking at her "where do you want to hangout" "i know one of the coolest plus calmest cafes in this city let's go" she said grabbing my hands i followed walking beside her as she talked about her stay here and how cool its been after awhile we arrived and sat at a table on the roof "so what made you move here if you dont mind me asking" hearing this questioned made me remember things that i tried to keep at the back of my mind, im guessing my face gave it away because she soon apologized for asking "im sorry if i made you uncomfortable" "no its okay me and aiden broke up due to some misunderstanding and well let's just say the 'misunderstanding' broke me and .... " i paused for a second "and well the other person is kinda getting married" i whispered the last part as a tear ran down my cheek just thinking about it even though i told myself that i was forgetting it the date of their wedding stuck with me "wait the 'other' person were you cheating on aiden" "no no Gosh no i loved him too much to do that" "loved as in past tense" "yeah i kinda fell for someone else and well  i was in a relationship so i distanced myself from that person hurting myself in the process especially after finding out he was engaged i broke and kept my distance and well somehow aiden found pictures of when we were close and well thought i was cheating i tried explaining but he didnt let me and i understand him because to him i just sounded like i was making up excuses so he left me and well everything was overwhelming and so i decided to come here to start over" i explained slowly she soon handed me a napkin it was then i realized i was crying "thanks" i say accepting the napkin dapping it on my face "sounds rough but for all the years i've known you i know just what you need" she said before calling over the waiter "can i have two glass of mocha and three slice of ice-cream cake with some fries please" the waiter nodded after jotting down the order i just smiled "i'm so thankful i met you" i say smiling ear to ear "dont go all soft on me now by the way where do you live or stay" "im staying at a hotel soon ill be looking for an apartment" "well i was kinda gonna look for an apartment too since i want to move out of the dorms at the institution im studying at maybe we could be roommates with me" "so you want me to live with you" "heck yesss i wouldnt want it any other way plus we are used to living together" "im not against it just tell me the date" "tomorrow after my shift" "okay then" the waiter then came and she placed two slices of cake a mocha and fries in front of me "eat up to your heart contents its not like you'll get fat anyway" i just smiled before starting to eat we talked and ate until we seperated going to our temporary stay.

i went to work the next day waiting for my shift to end i've been keeping my family updated with everything going on and they were happy, finally my shift ended and amber and i went for house hunting well we already had a house we just needed to see it.. "are you ready" "more than ready" i say smiling as we ran to the uber, we drove and soon arrived at this creamy white and green house it was beautiful and totally in my budget we both looked at each other before squealing while jumping before running to the house, as we were being shown around we were both in awe the house interior was beautiful and it had two bedroom upstairs and one bathroom still upstairs and the kitchen, living room and dining room was downstairs it was already fully furnished so we didnt need to buy anything "so will you take it" we both looked at each other before shouting a yes the lady smiled telling us to fill out some forms after we did we were told to move in whenever we wanted..... "so when do you want to move in" amber asked w "my day off is sunday so it would be great then" "ohh my day off is on friday but i can take it a day off on sunday for it they wont say nothing much" "Okay then its settled" i say smiling 

the week passed by in a flash and my new job was amazing not saying the first wasn't but as you can see i still haven't moved on since the wedding is coming up i just feel sick to my stomach but otherwise i've made a lot of new friends like mika, louis, josh and michael they all worked in the children's care section except for mika who worked with the elders, we would often speak during lunch and after our shifts they were chill except for mika she panic too easily and worries a lot poor girl needs some rest turns out she's louis's fiance and they both are chaotic amber gets even crazier when placed in the same room josh and michael is just super chill. 

It was now our day off and me and amber were packing the boxes and putting them on the truck and with the help of the movers we were done in no time, we then arrived at the house and we packed everything inside the movers then left and we started unpacking while vibing to S-class "first room is mine" amber said running upstairs i just laughed and let her everything was slowly becoming better thank God.

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