❣conflicted feelings 2❣

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i felt something warm on my face i opened my eyes seeing that the sun rays were shining through the silk curtains the room looks different it was then i remembered the hours earlier where is sienna i thought looking around it was then i heard something in the living room i walked out hearing a noise coming from some device in front the couch i walked around seeing the cutest site sienna had luna in her arms asleep on the floor sienna holding luna close with a smile on her face i pulled out my phone taking a pic before realizing the time it was 9:21 A.M. "oh gosh im late i ran out the room getting a quick shower coming soon hearing a knock on the door i wrapped a towel around my waist before answering the door "morning boss~"  "what is it you want" "we're late and we need to leave if want to win this but first" she said pushing me inside slamming the door kissing me roughly i responded grabbing her waist deepening the kiss she moaned during the kiss unwrapping the towel soon hearing sienna's words "lust and sexual immorality is a sin" i pushed her away holding the towel "whats wrong" she asked looking surprised "nothing but we're gonna be late so let's not" she smirked slightly rolling her eyes attaching our lips as she ruffled my hair before pulling apart soon the door opened and showed sienna who looked shocked and quickly apologized leaving the room i sighed telling laura to wait it the car as i get dressed after i went to sienna's room entering seeing her still hugging luna "hey um sienna" i said nervously watching as she looked up "oh hey" "uhh we woke up late so you can stay here we'll be back soon enough" "oh uh sure i will thanks a lot" she said smiling after that she looked all over the room but at me "well i'll be going now" i said walking out hurrying to the car soon driving off.

i woke up by a loud slam i jolted up almost frightening luna luckily she didnt wake up, i got up carefully going to the bedroom placing luna on the bed realizing lucas was gone i walked out thinking he was the one that caused a slam i went to his room seeing the door closed i opened it without thinking seeing lucas half naked with his curly hair all out of place and laura taking her hands out of his hair turning around with smudge lipstick that rubbed off on lucas's lips i quickly understood and apologized leaving without saying anything else i walked back to my room hearing luna cries i ran to the bed picking her up and rocking her softly looking down on her seeing a tear fall on her cheek i touched my face seeing that i was crying ,  crying hard too my heart hurts for some unknown reason d-did i like lucas i mean i have found him attractive since seeing his pictures but im taken i felt confused  and seeing him with laura hurted especially seeing that he kissed me once 

was he cheating ?

was he using me? 

was he just playing around? 

whatever the answer was seeing him with her made me angry and i was sobbing harder than before, i knew they had something going on but still why am i hurting i have a boyfriend "thats right i have a loving boyfriend and i love him" i wiped my eyes soon hugging luna who held my cheeks i smiled staying that way soon the door opened i turned hearing his voice only for him to tell me to stay with luna and i didnt need to work it was sounded fun and i think it's better that we take some space apart from each other, he then left; i then cleaned up luna and made breakfast soon reading the bible aloud for luna to hear even if she didnt understand after that we watched a movie which she fell asleep and i decided to call aiden "hey princess" "hey babe" "whats up you sound troubled" "oh it's nothing just watching a movie" "dont you have work" "oh im babysitting right now ..." i decided to change the topic "so tomorrow is the last day here before coming home to you right are excited" "of course i am i can't wait though i think my holiday starts on saturday rather than friday so i'll see you a day later" "but i would be woking then" "dont stress yourself we'll figure this out but i have to go so bye" "bye" the phone hung up and i decided to check social media and saw some recent videos of the models i watched them seeing something in the background was that lucas and laura KISSING in public did everyone know but me cause no one seems fazed i took my laptop searching up their relationship seeing a file saying that they were FIANCES i blinked trying to process this information i saw and interview with them both it was a couple months back i watched it all and i felt a sting in my chest i locked the laptop curling up and crying i dont want to like him, what would aiden think, i love him but i guess i like lucas ughhhh my head, my crying turned into soft sobs soon falling asleep. 

We were on the beach taking pictures with couples soon we were on a break and everyone was just doing their own think a bunch of paparazzi came on with cameras taking pictures asking questions about mine and laura's relationship soon laura came in kissing me on the cheek "we're perfect like always" she said looking up at me my mind instantly remembered when sienna looked up on me the night i kissed her, without thinking i grabbed her kissing her hearing a lot of ouuuuuss from the workers after pulling apart my conscience was screaming at me practically cursing me out of what i was doing after that i started back  working  so i could go home to luna.

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