she cheats!!😦😦

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the moments our lips brushed against each other luna came in and called me and sienna pulled apart quickly standing up leaving me empty handed, i looked at luna who had her teddy in her hand as she looked up innocently "daddy momma what were you doing" "nothing sweetie i was just making sure your father doesn't feel sick" "papa sick" she asked tilting her head "nope not anymore hes better now" "so is he strong" "yes i need to prepare breakfast bye" she said rushing out the room "what is it luna" "i want cuddles" she answered waddling over to my side i just hugged her lying back down hearing her giggle hearing the resemblance of it in my dream i just hugged her closer and after couple minutes she fell back asleep i just placed her down leaving the room.

after walking out the room leaving lucas and luna in the room i stood by the door my fingers running over my lips we kissed for the second time, my heart was beating against my chest to the point it felt like it would actually pop out i just walked away to the kitchen to prepare breakfast after a couple minutes i was done i placed the dishes on the table and turned to wash my hands before calling them down after some time he walked in and sat down "where is luna" i asked "she's asleep so dont worry" he answered i just made an oh with my mouth signalling that i understood, we ate in silence only the sounds of the forks and the plates touching could be heard after a few minutes we finished and i collected the plates bringing them to the sink and he just walked around wrapping his arms around my waist hugging me and placing his chin on my shoulder none of us said anything i just did the dishes and after i was finished i just turned squishing his face and smiling "whats wrong with you now you big baby" "nothing i just want to hug you" "and why is that" "because i miss you and dont want you to leave me ever again" " i won't im staying here and maybe go back home if i cant bring my family here" i said kissing his cheek catching him off guard the door then opened showing laura who didnt even notice us i quickly pushed him away as he backed away "morning babe" she said making her way to the kitchen her smiled dropped seeing me in their home "oh wow long time dont see sivina" she said with a hint of venom on her tongue 
"its sienna and it sure isn't a pleasure meeting you again" i said firing back with a smile "what is she doing here" she asked turning back to lucas "personal matters okay just know i'll be staying here for awhile" i said walking away leaving the alone.

"what is she doing here babe" she asked in a demanding tone "issues i can't say" "you do know she's out to destroy our marriage right" i just sighed walking away going back to my room which she followed stomping harshly throwing her hands up "tell me i swear to God if youre cheating i will-" "you will what huh because if anyone is cheating around here it's you" i said watching her pupil grow in shock "didnt think i noticed the marks on your back everytime i called when you were on you so called business trip the guy in the background ,you moaning softly in my ear knowing damn well you were out there screwing some other guy" i said angrily "not you being delusional that girl is messing with your mind i would never cheat and please i would never cheat on you especially so let's just erase that thought" she said walking away i just need proof so i can leave this relationship and be with sienna so the media dont accuse me of cheating i thought sitting on the couch. 

the week went by real quick and it was the most miserable week laura and sienna constantly at each other's throats , sometimes id find it amusing but other days i just felt like kicking them both out but whatever, and you are probably wondering why i dont divorce laura if i know something is going on with her well i need proof my words aren't good enough in court and she could simply make up an excuse or an alibi , knowing her friends they would all take her side and lie with her but i will figure something out just so i can be with the woman that i truly love.

"seriously i cant wait but i dont have any outfit with me i'll go pick up some and then we can go yay love you too muah muah" i said getting off the phone with mika, i turned around ready to leave only to come in contact with lucas's chest he was so close to me why didnt i feel his presence i backed away remembering laura was still in the house somewhere, the more i backed away the more he walked closer "where are you going" he asked in a dominant tone "h-home" "what for" "well mika is planning on going to this cool spot she found and well i need clothes" "okay then let's go" he said grabbing his keys and luna and leaving the house after shouting that he was leaving in which laura just answered with a okay, we reached my house in no time and i ran straight to my room grabbing some clothes as he settled in the living room with luna who was looking around cluelessly ..... "not this, nope definitely not this , ew why do i own this where are all my clothes" i said out loud picking and choosing between my clothing "mommaa" luna said running over to me it was then i realized lucas was standing in my room "why are you here" "i got cold" he simply answered lying on my bed "cold cold" luna said hugging my leg "what do you mean- before i could answer a loud thunder roared in the sky as a flash of lightning lit up the sky, i rushed looking outside seeing it raining heavily "guess we're stuck here.... together" 

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