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"ughhhhhhh i hate this"she say pacing around the room "stop your giving me a headache .. stop" "i can't believe this i really wanted to go" she said still pacing the room soon i just  dragged her on the bed 'i said stop youre giving me a headache' "b-but i really wanted to go and now this stupid rai mmhm- i cut her off by kissing her, she quickly reciprocate it as she placed her hand in my hair deepening the kiss i just turned us over making her legs wrap around my waist as she pulled me closer while kissing me as if her life depended on it i pulled away to catch my breath as she panted with a string of saliva lied on her lips her hair all out of breath as her chest raised and fall in a quick pace "i- damn" i say as her face turn pink i went back down to get another and that was when my phone rang i pulled it out my pocket and saw the caller i got up instantly walking out the room leaving her alone

"speak" "we got her" "what do you mean we got her is the pictures worth me being able to file for a divorce" "yes they are ill email them to you she's busted for sure and she even did it in your bed so this is social media worthy you wont get bashed" "Thanks mickey i owe you" "nah it's cool" he said hanging up; now i know youre confused well remember when i said words wouldnt be enough to file a divorce i hired mikey to secretly follow laura and take pictures to catch her in the act seems it worked, i pulled out my phone as it buzzed i looked at the images smirking "seems you enjoy yourself let's see how long that will last" i whispered walking back in the room seeing luna and sienna fast asleep

i woke up to two talking voices i slowly pulled away from luna and walked out seeing lucas speaking with mika and louis, they stopped talking when they saw me "mika louis what are you doing here?" i asked confused "oh well lucas has some things to workout with laura and you'll be staying with us from now on" she explained my eyes widen was it the kiss was it because i did that did he hate it does he hate me tears swelled up in my eye "aww baby dont cry you'll be fine trust me" mika said as lucas just walked grabbing luna and exiting the house without any explanation  i later exited the house on my way to mika's house, i didnt speak i just went straight to where he led me and went to sleep. a week passed and i heard nothing from lucas i went back to work to distract myself from everything the cops finally caught the other guy and locked him up which i was relieved and well i moved back in and the house felt quiet and i hated every second of it.

it was a rainy saturday morning i was getting ready when my phone rang it was lucas i picked it up ready to scream at him and question why he sent me away and ignored me but he quickly apologized and told me to turn on the television which i complied and did as he told me i was shocked seeing him and laura and another guy in court i sat and watched in disbelief listening to everything she was cheating how could she 

"your honour i believe my wife is having an affair" "i told you to stop believing whatever your friends are telling you i would never your honour i love lucas with every fibre of my body if anyone is cheating its him " she fired back "please calm down could you tell me why you think she is cheating" "well your honor when she came back from a business trip that lasted two months prior she would always call and i would hear a guys voice in the background i didnt think too much about it until she would call and  would hear her moaning so i got suspicious and when she came back she would constantly leave" "i was leaving the house because you brought that whore that tried to break us up from the moment we announced our engagement" "sienna is not a whore" "lucas could you explain who sienna is" "yes your honour sienna is a pass employee of mine she was my assistant after ashley left she worked with me for a month and a half before she disappeared, as to why she was in my house is that she was attacked by a couple human traffickers and was hospitalized and well she had to go somewhere and my house had enough room so i took her in" "well she likes you so i couldnt stay there she made me insecure" "so thats why you cheated" "you cheated i didnt" "your honour i have proof" "wait what" she said as i gave the photos to the judge "it seems you have cheated the divorce shall go through" "he cheated too two years ago" "before our wedding yes i did but that was way before we were serious and actually id like to say something else may i" "yes you can" "There was only ever one girl that i have loved unconditionally that i couldnt breathe properly whenever she was not near, i have loved her but couldnt make a move since i was married but recently she had popped up in my life and i stayed faithful for  you only for you to do this... sienna i have loved you from the moment i met you on that road side when you were walking out of your failed interview from the moment you slammed into me at the cafe entrance you apologized but i was too stunned to speak your beauty and voice captivated me and i know you love me too and now that i am divorced i want to be with you is that possible...... thank you your honour" "anything is anything you both are now officially divorced case closed" BANG

A tear fell from my eye hearing his confession he was the one that sent those two girls up to me he was the one that i bumped into at the cafe shop "sienna" his voice spoke through the phone "im outside come to me please" i quickly dropped the phone rushing down stairs running outside as he stood underneath an umbrella i ran out cupping his face and kissing him passionately as he dropped the umbrella embracing me in his arms kissing me back.

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