gut feeling

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i ran to her feeling how hot she was i scooped her up in my arms and placed her on my bed since it was closer, she was still breathing but slowly and she was hot no wonder her face was so red i thought, i then took action to make her feel better after some time her temperature went back normal and so was her breathing i left to make something for her to eat after it was done i brought it to her and woke her up her eyes fluttered open and i helped her to sit up "what happened" "dont worry you fainted but you are fine now just eat this" i said giving her a spoon full she just simply opened her mouth taking in the food "mmm this is good thanks" she said smiling i just smiled back a little, after 5 minutes she finished eating and laid back down i took up the things walking out but she grabbed unto the sleeve of my shirt "stay with me" she said hiding her face "i- can't" "please she said getting up and hugging me "i told you my story and i apologized why won't you forgive me" she cried in my chest "it's nothing it doesn't matter i need to sleep so that i can collect laura in the morning" i said pushing her hands down and walking out  going in the kitchen and of course a tear fell gosh im pathetic but she doesnt love me she just wants my forgiveness i thought before going to bed after taking a shower.

i sat in the room motionless i couldn't move i just got rejected i guess he does love laura, "laura you lucky bastard wish i was in your spot" i whispered in pure spite and anger feeling the tears trickle down my face, i couldnt sleep so i just sat up staring into the void of emptiness the moment i saw a little sunlight i grabbed my things and walked downstairs seeing him on his computer he looked up through his glasses before asking "you leaving now right" so he doesn't even want me around him thats okay i guess "yea i am i called someone to come for me and they are supposed to here" just then i a car honged outside "you need to move your car from in the middle of the road" "i didnt mean to leave it there it just stopped and the wheels were flat" "they were slashed by someone or something" he said looking at me "what slashed who could've- whatever i have to go bye and thanks for letting me stay" "No problem" he said i just left hoping into sky's car, sky was the first to call back after seeing my missed call and i explained the situation and he came for me after dropping his wife at work i greeted him with a hug soon he pulled the stray hairs off my face "you are a mess" he said  before laughing i just slapped his hands away before he drove down the street.

i watched her leave the house in a hurry i got up seeing her jump in the car seeing them hug he then came close and i couldnt see what happened after only for them to drive off, they seem close i mean she is carrying his child after all i wonder how far on he is her baby bump hasn't started showing yet and her friends seem oblivious about their relationship i thought out loud walking back inside "where is momma" luna asked walking down the stairs "she's out she'll be back" hopefully i thought before getting a call from laura "crap lets go luna" i said exiting the house.

We were at the airport waiting for laura, she soon entered and gave me a kiss on the cheek "hey baby how are you, how've you been i missed you and i missed you too baby girl" she said turning to luna who paid her no mind, we drove back home and we settled down she went straight to her room and luna stopped and asked "when is momma coming back bring momma back i dont like this one" "i know baby but it's complicated" "why dont you love mommy and marry her" "because i shouldnt cheat it's bad to do" "otay" she said walking off i really need to get rid of her i thought shaking my head walking in my room she was changing i didnt pay no attention until i saw red marks on her back all over "what are those" she jumped seeing me "ahhh baby you scared me also the agency loved this year comeback it is amazing well anyway im hungry im gonna go out and grab a bite see you later" she said walking out throwing on her top again rushing out the house "suspicious whatever" i just went back to work.

I arrived home after getting my car fixed up it was tuesday and i need to work tomorrow i felt extremely exhausted emotionally whatever im going out for a walk, as i walked down the street i walked not caring where i was the gut feeling appeared again and i felt goosebumps i turned seeing the man from yesterday walking behind me i picked up my place slowly and dialed the first person i could think of "hello" "heyy lucas help me please" i saw in a low tone panic evident in my voice "what do you mean whats wrong" "please just come to glasser street please someone's following me" "im on my way stay on the line okay" "okay" i said panicking i looked back seeing him picking up his pace "oh gosh lucas please hurry please" i say "Pleas-" before i could continue another guy appeared in front of me holding a knife "l-lucas theres another and hes holding a knife and hes walking towards me before i could move my hand was held by the guy behind me as he took my phone "no no please stop" the other guy came and threw me on the ground holding the knife to  my neck, the other dude just threw my phone stepping on it making some of the glass flash against my face "you will make us rich pretty girl" he said grabbing me by my hair harshly i tried to get his grip off but nothing he just threw me down and pressed his foot down on my stomach the other just grabbed me up and slapped me, i dont know if i was in a daze but i could hear sirens soon there were car sounds and the two threw me down and ran the sirens got louder too loud but i couldnt do nothing my body was pressed against the hot pavement and a warm liquid ran down my face my ribs were in pain, the last thing i heard was my name being yelled before darkness took over.

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