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we all stood shook as the door busted opened showing two figures a tall woman with glasses and a short curly haired guy with tattoos "hey lil bro my babyy" she said squishing his cheeks while he just pushed her hand away "caleb where are your manners say hello to your brother" the lady said smaking the guy in the arm as he lift his head up "hey big bro" he said looking away i felt a tension and i looked at lucas who had a cold aura around him "oh sorry everyone im lianna lane lucas's big sister im married to a guy named jamal lane thats why my last name is different and this is my baby bro caleb hes shy so dont mind the tough exterior hes a marshmallow" she said with all smiles how is her face not hurting "lianna thats enough youre scaring the poor people" lucas said as i looked on everyone's faces "ummm well the rain seemed to not be as bad as before so ill take my leave bye" mika said grabbing louis as the rest just followed exiting the house leaving the four of us staring at each other "so youre the girl my brother swooned and cried so much over" she said walking up to me as i backed away and lucas just wrapped his arms around me "yes she is now leave her alone" "fine fine" she said fanning her hands "now where is my munchkin luna darling" she said making luna to run out the room "aunty lill" she screamed running to her as she took her in her arms "i missed youu" she said laying her head on her shoulders "i missed you too princess" "um could out tell me how you guys found where i lived" "i searched you up and your address was posted" she said as i let out a little oh "guys why dont you drive back to my house and well meet you there" lucas said giving them the key "fine dont stay late" she smiled grabbing the key walking out "um youre taking luna with you" i asked running behind them "uhh yea do you want to stay princess" she asked turning to luna who lift her head looking at me "no i want aunt lill" she said lying back on her chest they walked out jumping in their vehicle i just stood frozen i havent moved until i felt an arm around my shoulder "you okay lets get packing" "huh packing" "yes youre coming back to my house" "do i have to" i asked still sad by luna's action "you dont want to why" he asked "uh i wouldnt want to interrupt your family reunion is all" i said as an excuse "oh well then i guess be safe ill come by tomorrow" he said kissing my forehead and walked out, i just watched as his car drove out i just sighed closing my door and walked straight t my room call me dumb but i felt betrayed i mean im not luna's actual mother and well lianna is her actual aunt i have no need to be jealous but it still hurted 

i could barely sleep i felt trapped and my dreams were finally back to normal because this time i saw no baby boy nor him just me being taunted by the fact i needed luna in my arms i got up and walked to my windows, i pulled the curtain it was very dark only the street lights were on and the rain was just drizzling i looked at the time and it was 2 in the morning i rolled my eye dragging on a grey shirt over my pjs and placed my hair in a bun and packed a bag and walked out driving away from my house

i was awake going through some papers while caleb was playing with luna lianna was already asleep and we couldnt put luna to sleep so she was playing with caleb to kinda tire her out but caleb fell asleep instead now luna and i were up "daddy where is momma" "she at her house probably asleep and you should go to sleep too" "NO" "if you dont then momma will be mad" she looked down "fine" she muttered as i took her up and walked to her room i placed her on her bed as she cuddled in her  sheets "remember to pray our prayer" i said walking out, on my way back the doorbell rang and i walked and checked the camera it was sienna standing in the light drizzle with a bag on her shoulder i opened the door "sienna why are you here" "i- can i come in" she asked i just moved to the side as she walked in" i want to see luna" she said in a sad tone "she's asleep why did you want to see her" "no reason" she choked out as she seemed to want to cry and was holding her tears "you should get some sleep lets go" i said as she followed behind me to my room she was just standing and looking around "come go change or something" she just walked in the bathroom and changed now wearing a matching set of sweat pants and a large hoodie she snuggled on the bed turning her back to me i just decided to leave her because she seemed upset about something after a while she turned with tears in her eyes i got up urgently with a worried expression "whats wrong"  i asked as she just shuffled closer i just hugged her as she broke down even more "whats wrong baby tell me... did something happen while you were home did more guys come ill call the cops" i said stretching for my phone as she pulled on my shirt whispering a no "its not that it's stupid really" she said wiping her face "still let me know i dont care if its stupid its making you cry" "i- i feel replaced" she whispered after stuttering a bit "huh what"  "l-luna chose l-lianna and not me does she not love me? am i not her momma" she said letting out a louder cry and more tears running down her cheeks leaving her face puffy i was genuinely taken aback "no baby luna loves you way too much you are her one and only momma okay she just misses lianna " i said trying to calm her down but she kept denying so i just held her close as she fell asleep.

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