~first day~

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my alarm went off and i got up and stretched soon whispering a small prayer i texted in the family chat showing them that im alive soon i picked out an outfit i was going to look for a job at a hospital i've already schedule an interview i checked the time before running to the bathroom i did both face and hair routine and took a refreshing shower i came out in my robe and decided to order some tea i curled my hair and did my make up nothing heavy while i waited for room service it soon arrived i drank it while scrolling on my phone after i finished i wore a brown skirt with a brown top with cream heels i was now ready and i went out carrying my documents i had one interview today with the bubbles hospital it specializes in taking care of children and pregnant mothers as well as disabled children and elderlies, i arrived at the building it was huge to say the least i entered walking up to the front desk "hi im here for my interview" "Name please" "its sienna foster" "okay i see you here please go up to the 15th floor" "thank you" i said walking off everything just felt familiar her words my words they felt like when i interviewed as a model i smiled bitterly at the memory appearing in my mind come one sienna focus let's not focus on the past i told myself walking out the elevator as it opened i walked out seeing a lot of other women and even men sitting in the hallway i took a seat patiently waiting for my turn 10 minutes pass and it was finally my turn i walked in feeling a bit nervous "good morning" "good morning ms foster before we start what is your race and nationality" "oh i am half brazilian and korean but my nationality is brazilian" "okay thank you may i ask why you want to work here specifically in the midwife department" "well since high school i always took a liking to childrens but when i looked at the fact that in order to have good healthy children they need to have a healthy mother and i wanted to be someone who helped mothers to have a safe pregnancy journey and have healthy happy babies and just treat them with lots of love" i say looking at them "well then you may take a seat" i took a seat handing her the documents as she interviewed me more, ten minutes later i walked out the room i felt as though i did a pretty good job i left the building as i tried to not get in the way of anyone i traveled back to the hotel and just cooled off i decided to surf the internet due to boredom and the first article to pop up was IS THE HANDSOME BACHELOR OFFICIALLY OFF THE MARKET  showing an image of lucas and laura i sighed feeling the feelings creeping back in they never left but i just decided to bury them because if i hold on to them then moving here would have been pointless.. for the rest f the day i just stayed in my room reading the bible listening to kpop and watching a kdrama called 'marriage contract' it was interesting the couple was beautiful and just seemed happy, as i was drowning back in my sorrows an email came up on my laptop screen i pressed it seeing it was from the hospital, i read the information before i realized i was hired and i had morning shift which started at 5 every morning i was too happy to care about how early id have to wake up, i danced around my room before i decided to go to bed i did everything too excited to care setting my alarm and into dreamland i go.

The way i was so excited i woke up two minutes before my alarm i jumped up and cleaned my room and in the shower i go i danced while i got ready in no time i was walking out of the hotels door taking a cab and entering the hospitals door "hi you must be sienna im incharge of showing you around before you start working" "won't i be taking training or something" "oh no since the boss has told me that you seem fit for the work that doesn't really go for you now lets go" we started the tour and by the time she was done i had every room memorized " lastly this is your desk you can have anything that you need here dont worry nobody steals around here have fun newbie" she said walking off "wait i didnt catch your name" "oh it's roobie" she said leaving i placed my bag on my table taking up my uniform there were two colours blue and pink i took them up walking into the changing room i found my locker i soon i placed them in and started to change, there was another coworker in the room and for some reason her voice was familiar she was talking on the phone but she sounded familiar soon the call ended and she walked around and my eyes widen "amber" "sienna" we both say at the sametime "wow how are you here why are you here" she asked walking up to me sounding surprised "im working here now in the midwife department how about you do you work here" "well im on an intern here while on training" "i thought you said that you were going to study more" "i still do go to school but i need money so i took up a part time here, man it's so good to see you we should totally talk after our shift" "yea we should also where do you work" "in the children's care department" "youre kidding right? you the girl who prayed for rain to fall on that summer morning so the kids wouldnt pack up the beach" "what they ruin a perfectly good day with everything that they do" "yet youre working with them real mature amby" i say laughing "whatever lets go" i felt relieved after finding someone that knew my first day went smoothly to say the least and for God i am thankful.

New AssistantWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt