drunk confession

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i sat in the hospital shaking being interrogated by the cops i called "so who is she to you mr james" "someone important" "is she like someone you love" i just nodded "what happened tell us what you know" "i was sitting in the living room earlier today after picking up my w-wife and i was just finishing up some work when she called i answered because i thought she might have left something at my house before she left but instead she sounded panic and asked for me to come to her so i dropped everything dropped my daughter at her babysitter and while i was far away she said there was two guys and so i called you guys thats all i know" "you said she left your house why was she there"  "her tires were slashed yesterday in the rain and she came to my house and spent the night" "you said she saw two guys right" "yes" "we only saw one the other must've gone away" "also where is your wife and daughter are they together" "no my wife is out and my daughter is at my neighbours i couldnt bring her along she would be hurt seeing her m-mom hurt" i said momma out of habit "is this lady her mother or is your wife the mother" "neither the mom died one year ago" they just nodded and walked away i got up and walked inside seeing all her friends in the hallway "is she okay" i asked catching their attention "we dont know" "oh gosh she didnt even tell us about having stalkers" the other girls said crying in her husband's arms "i saw her this morning and she was fine" sky said having his arm rubbed down by some other girl  "baby dont worry" "baby?? aren't you dating sienna" i asked earning confused look from everyone"im sorry im his wife what are you talking about" "but aren't you having a baby with her" "ohhhh i think you missed understood us the other day we are having a baby" he said pointing to him and the girl "no need to get jealous man she's been single for two years now she's too caught up in her feelings for- ughhh" amber slapped aiden in the stomach making him shut up "thanks for taking her here" she said smiling the doctor then walked out she's sleeping due to the anesthesia and well she's okay just a third degree burn on her back a bruised stomach and a small injury on her head you guys can go in since she is going to wake up soon though just be quiet her ears were affected by all the slaps she got" the doctor said letting us in she just laid there unconscious her golden hair blowing because of the fan her eyes opened as she looked around looking at everyone before stopping at me "you are sooo handsome i like you no wait i lovee you" she said catching us all off guard "lauraaaa doesnt deserveee youu and lunaa knows thisss lucassss our babyy girl is super smart" she said making me turn red "should we go  i dont wanna come between this confession" "no you guys can stay since you know its the anesthesia talking not her" "bro you are stupid this girl has been in love with you from you both went on that competition isn't that right sienna" aiden asked earning a nod from her "i loveee you but youre takenn" she said tearing up "dont cry" i said rubbing her shoulder she just fell back asleep instantly "well since thats over and she seems okay we need a place for her to stay" mika said turning to me "i- she cant my wife is here they dont really get along" "even better" sofie said walking out we're going to pack her things boys lets go they all left i just  looked at her then down to her lips sighing and walking out" you damn temptation i thought on my way out"

two hours later and she wanted to leave the hospital she didnt want to stay no longer well according to amber, i have yet to inform laura about this arrangement not that i care what she thinks,"she's ready here are her things and well take care of her"  amber said handing me a   full bag sienna then walked out looking okay but she was limping "ready to go" i ask as she just nodded, we walked out and drove away she just kept quiet and played with her fingers we soon arrived home and i opened the car door for her as she stepped out groaning a bit "go on inside i need to collect luna" she just nodded again walking inside i collected luna who was happy to see her she practically ran straight to her "MAMMAAA" she yelled continuously they both hugged and an hour later they both fell asleep, i was doing the dishes when my phone rang "where are you" "oh sorry for not telling you im staying over at a friends house for this week so dont worry  love you" she said hanging up the phone i just sighed lying in the sofa before drifting into sleep

i woke up to the sounds of footsteps i opened my eye looking at my watch it was only 2 A.M.  i sighed walking towards the sound leading me upstairs to the guest room i pushed it opened seeing sienna wearing a towel "sorry was i too loud i'll quiet down dont worry" "what are you doing" i asked completely confused "im going to take a shower im hot and sweaty and i cant sleep properly so yea" "didnt you shower at the hospital already" her face went bright red as i said that "well im hot now so yea" she said walking towards the bathroom "wait" i said walking closer i took my hand feeling her temperature as her red blush darkened i just stood looking in her eyes she lowered her head but i just lift it back up with my thumb as she looked everywhere but me "look at me" she hesitated but still complied "are you feeling better" "y-yes i am, i just want something" "and whats that" "a kiss".

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