Chapter 10 - Chamber of Secrets (Part 1)

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Hey guys...So, I wrote some chapters in advance and just edit them before posting, but during the editing process, I usually add alot more content to the original chapters and they end up being too long for one chapter, so I end up creating two chapters instead of one. That said, my original chapter ten has now moved to 11 & 12......Just to let you know.🤗


When you are ready for me

will be ready for you.


Third POV

"Babe, what are you doing? we don't drunk-call our ex's?" Gina mumbles, as soon as she reaches Sienna.

"He is the one that called me."

"What where you saying to him?" She asks curiously.

"I....Oh my God, that's our song." Sienna mumbles when she is distracted by the sound of 'Voulez-vous' now playing in the bar.

The karaoke part of the evening is over, so the dance floor is now open, and already filling up with people.

"That's our song." She says to Gina, pulling her towards the dance floor.

Gina chuckles and indulges her..after all, it's her celebratory night.

They both start to dance along, singing the lyrics into each other's faces.

Both huge fans of the band, they can sing along to every song they ever made from start to finish....

Ross enters the bar a few minutes later and scans the place for Sienna, spotting her on the dance floor, her ponytail nearly breaking free of its tie from all the dancing.

He is momentarily stunned, never before seen her in such a mood. She is generally a lively person, eager to converse with people, but this is new and... interesting...amusing even. He noticed her low mood earlier in the day, especially after leaving her parents' house..but she looks happy and carefree in this moment.... however, he has a job to do, and instructions to follow.

He approaches her and walks around her friends, tapping her on the shoulder to get her attention.

"Ms. Crowe." he utters formally, making her tense up and frown when she finfs that it's him.

"I......" He starts to say but she interrupts him.

"Ms. Crowe?" She grumbles.

"Are you ready to go home?" he asks rhetorically, knowing she has to leave with him right now anyway.

"No. But you know what, it's getting pretty can leave. I will catch a ride with Gina." she tells him...almost shouting to ensure he hears her above the music.

"I will take you home." Cameron offers and the suggestion seems to make Ross uncomfortable.

"My work tonight ends once I have you home safely, besides, all of you have been drinking, you need a sober driver." He says, looking directly at Cameron.

Cameron opens his mouth to speak, but Sienna places her hand on his chest to stop him...the scent of testosterone starting to fill the space.

"Ross, it's really alright...I will be fine, thanks...goodnight."

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