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In the last days, I saved the earth by planting

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Chapter 131

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    When Yan Xiaomi was making the bed, she found the letter Shang Li had left for her under her pillow. No wonder she asked her for a pen and paper this morning and wrote there for a long time.

    It turned out that Shang Li had long been determined to die, and she had paid attention to the place where Hong Desheng and his gang stored gasoline, and was ready to find a chance to die with them.

    Knowing that Yan Xiaomi and the others were going to cross the desert to go to the grassland, in the letter, Shang Li also wrote about the dangers they encountered in the desert at the beginning of the end of the world, and the things to pay attention to.

    It's a pity that such a good girl ended up in such a tragic end.

    The fire that burned the people at the Yanzhai base to ashes wiped out all the evil here... The

    group at the Rising Sun base originally planned to drive into the desert, but they heard from the people at the Yanzhai base that quicksand appeared in many places due to the earthquake, so they finally decided to walk across the desert.

    Before the end of the world, camels were the most commonly used means of transportation in the desert, but now, it is not known if there are any living camels.

    Without the sun shining, the endless golden desert is still dry and hot. Everyone wears long-sleeved trousers and specially made high-top hiking shoes.

    In addition to the convenience of walking in the desert, the more important thing is to prevent snakes, insects, rats and ants in the desert. These small animals hidden in the sand are often poisonous. Although there are detoxifying and purifying essences, it is better to be careful.

    Even if the soldiers are in good physical condition, their walking speed in the desert is still very slow. The feeling of stepping on the sand and being unable to use their strength is very exhausting.

    At the beginning, Yan Xiaomi was amazed by the vast and magnificent scenery of the desert, but now besides being tired, she is still tired.

    During the day, the desert is so hot that the temperature reaches about 40 degrees, and at night, the desert is extremely cold, directly dropping to minus ten degrees. Within 24 hours, everyone can experience the two extremes of cold and heat.

    So every afternoon when the temperature began to change, Mu Ye ordered to find a place to camp. Such a drastic temperature difference could easily make people sick. Resting is for walking a longer distance.

    In the first six days of entering the desert, it was generally smooth, and sometimes encountered quicksand and small sandstorms, but carefully avoided them.

    On the seventh day, when they entered the hinterland of the desert, they encountered the greatest danger after entering the desert: army ants.

    Desert army ants, also known as legion ants, like to live in groups. There are at least one or two million ants in a group. They do not build nests, but like to walk and hunt around. When fighting, they are organized and formed like humans. They are omnivorous ants.

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