† Back in Nevada †

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Killian left Nevada two years ago to attend Stanford University, California

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Killian left Nevada two years ago to attend Stanford University, California. The first year of college consisted mostly of partying, girls, and late nights chatting with Bree. Bree was his childhood friend since she wore diapers and drooled all over herself.

Killian's dad and Bree's mum used to date in high school, but during college, they had gone their separate ways and remained close friends. Kind of like Killian and Bree, except they've never been in a relationship or had a crush on each other and Bree just graduated high school. This year, she would finally start her college year, not just any college, but here in California.

The alarm had gone off at six in the morning so that he would be able to take a shower, eat breakfast, and leave the apartment by eight to drive to Nevada. Bree could certainly have flown over, but he offered to pick her up as he intended to take the opportunity to greet his parents, whom he hadn't seen in almost two years.

The idea was that he would drive home during the summer holidays, and spend the summers in Nevada, but when he wanted to leave the dorm for his apartment, he had to start working and there was never time to go back home. He started working as a bartender at the MAYA nightclub, which was only ten minutes away from the apartment. It was easy and convenient to be close to work as he didn't have to drive every night.

"Killian!" A hoarse male voice was heard behind him, and he turned around right after closing the car door.

It was Bree's dad who stood and wiped off the oil from his hands on a small white towel outside the garage. Killian took off his jeans jacket and threw it through the open car window before walking up to David.

"I barely recognized you with the black hair and all the tattoos you've gotten," David laughed, putting an arm around him in a hug. "Good to have you home son."

"It's nice to be home. It wasn't exactly yesterday," Killian said, taking a step back.

"I heard from Bree that you got yourself an apartment and a nightclub job. How do you manage to work, go to school, and do homework?" asked David, hanging down by the car engine.

"I only work weekends and during the summer holidays, otherwise it would have been stressful," Killian replied, tucking his hands into his jeans pockets.

"As long as you don't bring Bree with you when you work. I'm worried as it is that she'll be eleven hours away."

"You have nothing to worry about. The first year of college will consist of homework for her anyway. She won't have time to enjoy herself," Killian said with a touch of exaggeration, looking up at the window where Bree had her room. "Where is Bree by the way?"

David looked up and wiped his sweaty forehead. "I think she's still packing. Why don't you go up to her room and greet her? She's been nagging our ears here at home about how much she's looking forward to seeing you again."

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