† You give me fever †

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Despite Bree's horrible alarm in the morning, Killian had continued to sleep while Bree left for school

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Despite Bree's horrible alarm in the morning, Killian had continued to sleep while Bree left for school. His brain must have been exhausted as he hadn't woken up to her alarm and she didn't seem to have tried to wake him either, not that it bothered him, but he would have liked to kiss her goodbye before she left.

Killian wakes up in the afternoon to the doorbell buzzing and he reluctantly slides out of bed and drags his feet towards the door. When he opens the door, he sees his mum standing there in a thin yellow blouse with a long denim skirt and sandals. Her hair hangs loosely over her shoulders, framing her face with the black sunglasses she wears.

As she removes the glasses and places them on the top of her head, he watches as her eyes scan him where he stands dressed in nothing but his black boxers and hair standing in all directions.

"Killian," she said condescendingly with an exhale, shaking her head slightly at him.

He knew she was referring to him sleeping a bit too long since it was five in the afternoon, but she seemed to let it go quite quickly and followed him into the decorated apartment. She placed the suitcase in the hallway and looked at the over-the-top decoration Bree had done while Killian went into the kitchen to make them coffee.

"Wow, what's all this? I hope it's not for my arrival," Molly said jokingly and walked into the kitchen and immediately started washing up after Bree's breakfast.

"Mum, you don't have to do the dishes, I can do them later," Killian muttered tiredly, running his hand through his hair as he watched Molly grab the dish soap and the sponge. "It's Bree who has thrown a party tonight to celebrate my birthday."

"That's very sweet of her, but I don't think you're ready to have a party and certainly don't drink alcohol. Alcohol can be a strong trigger for you, and I think it's stupid to risk it."

"Mum I'm fine. I have to get back to normal life at some point anyway, plus Bree has put a lot of time and money into this party. It's just going to be my two best friends, Bree, and you. No big party and we're just going to drink beer."

"I think it's too early and besides, I'm not here for a party, but to help you clean up your mistakes."

Killian's gaze wandered over the decoration in a deep sigh as he wondered what he would say to Bree if the party was canceled. How could his life turn upside down like this and how the hell was he going to restore everything to the way it once was, he thought as it sometimes felt hopeless and became extra stressful.

"Are you ready to tell me what happened and why you and Bree broke up in the first place?" Molly asked in a smooth voice, looking at him where he stood with his arms crossed over his chest.

"I told you; we were fighting and needed a break from each other," Killian said, scratching his chest but keeping his eyes on the living room.

"I know you guys have fought each other many times but still been stuck to each other like glue, so I don't buy it. I want you to know that you can talk to me about anything, okay? You are my son and I love you regardless."

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