† The new deal †

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Killian is awakened by a finger tickling his face, and when he opens his eyes, he is greeted by Bree's smile

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Killian is awakened by a finger tickling his face, and when he opens his eyes, he is greeted by Bree's smile. Her hazel brown eyes sparkled from the light shining through the wide-open window, and cute dimples were depicted on her cheeks. He felt the hangover flash in his head and the light from the window only made the pain worse.

"Were you able to sleep last night?" she asks, noticing that he avoided the light and went to close the window.

"I guess," he murmured into the pillow, looking at her butt cheeks in the white lace thongs she wore with his Metallica t-shirt.

They had slept in Tristan's house overnight and woke up in his sister Marissa's bed, which was still just a name for Killian as he hadn't met her. Bree covers the window with the dark curtains before coming back to bed and crawling under the duvet next to him. Killian puts an arm around her back and pulls her close to him.

"You haven't changed your mind, have you?" she asks, cuddling her face into his chest.

Flashback to last night...

It was almost four o'clock in the morning and most people had gone home or fallen asleep knocked out in the house. Killian felt like he'd had a little too much to drink, maybe even a little too much to smoke, and didn't know if he would have to vomit or not when he wobbled into the bathroom.

"Killian? Killian are you okay?" he heard Bree's voice behind him, feeling her hand on his back as he stood leaning over the toilet.

He wanted to answer her but didn't know what would come out. Words or tonight's pizza.

"Do you want water or something? I can go get it," she said, stroking her hand back and forth over his back.

Still not daring to say anything, Killian gave her a quick nod before he felt his stomach bubble up again. Why did he have to go for the licorice shots, he thought, squeezing his knees tightly when he couldn't hold back anymore.

"I got your water," Bree's voice was heard as she entered the bathroom. "Are you okay?"

Killian flushed the toilet and hung over the washbasin to rinse his mouth. He saw the tube of toothpaste and started brushing his teeth with his index finger while hearing Bree giggle.

"What's so funny?" he asks as he spits and rinses his mouth again.

"You told me to take it easy when I took a shot and here you are, vomiting," she reminded him, pulling up her dress. "Don't look!"

How can she ask him not to look when she practically pulls up the dress in front of him?

"What are you going to do?" he asks as he reluctantly turns his gaze away from her and hears her start to pee. "Really Bree?"

"Killian, don't look!" she roared as if she thought he would want to see her pee. "God, how nice it is to pee when you need to pee."

"Too much information," Killian said, hearing her flush the toilet.

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