† Let me help you †

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"Are you accusing me of raping you? Seriously?" scoffed Marissa, shaking her head

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"Are you accusing me of raping you? Seriously?" scoffed Marissa, shaking her head. "Let me refresh your memory. You were very much into having sex with me that night, so it was hardly rape and it was Jolie who spiked your drink, not me."

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" exclaimed Tristan angrily at Marissa. "You sat on the couch with us and heard that Killian knocked Bree up and yet you had sex with him?"

"Jolie said he had cheated on her several times and lied straight to her face. She wanted him to feel what it feels like to get his heart broken, so..."

"So, you're just showing what a low IQ you have by fucking a drugged person? Who could barely stand on his feet? You're a fucking sick person Marissa!" growled Tristan at her, slamming his fist on the railing behind them.

"I didn't know it would go that far! I told her it would ruin his relationship, but she didn't listen, and she was the one who opened Facetime when Bree called."

"I don't give a shit about me, but what the two of you did towards Bree, piss me off. Jolie knew I didn't want any relationship with her, I was very clear about that the whole time we were fuck buddies," Killian said, seeing Marissa raise her eyebrows.

"She told me that you two were together and that you cheated on her with Bree," Marissa said, and Killian could hear in her voice that she was telling the truth.

"That's a lie and anyone who knows me knows we weren't a couple."

"I swear Killian, I'm sorry and I'm still happy to talk to Bree and tell her what happened that night. I know you thought I was Bree and I'm sorry for playing along, and I'm also sorry Bree had to watch us," Marissa said, and he saw her eyes tear up.

"No, she's already suffered enough," Killian said, glancing at Tristan who ran his hand through his hair and clenched his jaw in anger.

"I'm sorry for having a brain-dead sister. I had no idea about this," Tristan said as if he were worried that Killian would accuse him of being involved, but Killian knew Tristan and knew he would never do such a thing. "You're fucked up!" growled Tristan, wagging his index finger at her.

At the same moment, Isaac came around the corner, and Marissa quickly disappeared into the house. Killian didn't think Marissa had more to tell him about that night, so he had to talk to Jolie who was behind it all.

"Why does everyone look so angry and why was Marissa upset?" asked Isaac as he came up the patio stairs.

"Because my fucked-up sister helped Jolie drug Killian the night he got so fucking stoned," Tristan growled and started searching his pockets for a joint. "Sorry Kills, I have to smoke a fucking joint right now. I need something to calm me down."

"It's okay, I have to go anyway."

"Wait, what? Can some idiot explain what's going on? I thought it was Gina," said Isaac confused, looking at Killian as he left the patio.

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