† Embracing the temptation †

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The sound of the alarm makes Killian open his eyes in a second and he throws himself against the bedside table to turn off the horrible sound

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The sound of the alarm makes Killian open his eyes in a second and he throws himself against the bedside table to turn off the horrible sound. With a heavy sigh, he lies down comfortably again and puts his arm around the pillow while he snuggles his face into it.

He didn't know how long he had slept, but not long enough to have the energy to get out of bed. Suddenly, he heard a scream outside the bedroom window, causing him to bounce out of bed and run out the back door, dressed in only black boxers to see what was going on.

"Oh sorry. Did I scare you?" asked the girl next door with an accent he didn't recognize when he came out of the back. "I was going to swim and saw that snake swimming in the pool," she said, pointing towards the pool.

Killian turned his confused gaze away from her to the pool where he saw the snake swimming around, thinking that at least she had gotten him out of bed.

"You could say you did, and as for the snake, you might have to call and ask someone to come and get it," Killian replied and began walking with heavy steps towards his back door.

"I'm Hazel by the way," he heard her say behind him.

"Killian," he said without turning around and continued into the apartment to make himself a cup of coffee.

It took a few minutes before there was a knock on the glass pane on the back door and when Killian turned around in the kitchen, he saw that it was the girl next door again.

"What now," he said quietly to himself as he started walking towards the door and opened it.

"Sorry, but do you have a phone number I can call so they take the snake away?" she asks, and he gestures to her with his hand so that she can step into the apartment.

She follows him towards the kitchen and as he scrolls for the number on the phone, he sees her eyes wandering around the apartment. She had put on a pair of white shorts with a low waist to the white bikini top and put her hair up in a high ponytail. Killian finds the number and writes it down on a note for her.

"There you go," he said briefly, and she turned her gaze to him.

"Thank you," she said, pausing. "You live here alone, right?"

Killian raised one eyebrow that formed small wrinkles on his forehead and studied her curious expression.

"I just assumed it, as I hadn't seen a single girl here since I moved in. I always see you alone in the evenings," she said, putting her elbows on the kitchen counter between them.

"Are you spying on me?" he teased her with a discreet smirk that took shape on his lips.

"What? Me? No!" she quickly replied as a pink tone blossomed on her cheeks. "I've seen you sometimes when you go out for a smoke, and when you've had the lights on late at night. Not that I've looked, but it's hard to miss it since we live so close to each other."

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