† Can't lose her again †

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Killian walked briskly across the parking lot towards his car with tears in the corner of his eyes as he was certain that he would lose Bree once and for all

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Killian walked briskly across the parking lot towards his car with tears in the corner of his eyes as he was certain that he would lose Bree once and for all. Hazel is right behind him and tries to talk to him, but he doesn't want to talk. There was nothing to talk about after he got confirmation from the doctor that she was pregnant and the baby was around three and a half months old, which matched the time zone they had slept with each other.

He searches his pockets desperately for the pack of cigarettes and a lighter when Hazel catches up to him and stops right in front of him.

"Please Killian, talk to me," she panted after more or less running after him from the hospital.

"I don't want to talk, Hazel!" he exclaimed angrily, watching people in the parking lot turn their gazes in their direction. "You lied to me! I asked you if you were pregnant and you said no!"

"Please calm down. People are watching us," she said in a calm but firm voice, letting her gaze wander across the parking lot and back to him.

"Then let them stare! Do you have any idea what situation you've just put me in? What am I going to tell Bree this time?" he growled and tried to light the cigarette, only to become more frustrated as the lighter seemed to run out of gas.

"I'm sorry, I had my suspicions but since you had just moved back home and Bree was there, I didn't want to say anything until I was sure. I didn't mean to put you in this situation, but I wasn't the only one that morning that was careless and thoughtless."

"That morning was a mistake," Killian growled and continued walking towards his car, flicking the lighter to get them the last drops of gas.

"Yes, it was a mistake, but at least you don't have to live with the mistake inside you. You can just walk away like you're doing now and pretend it never happened!" Hazel said in a broken voice, causing Killian to turn to her where she stood with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"If you knew it was a mistake that morning," he paused. "Why did you let me get inside your panties?"

"Because you weren't the only one trying to get over someone and take advantage of the situation," she said, wiping the tears with her shirt sleeve.

"At least you don't have to be afraid of losing the same person again," he said softly, seeing how people were still staring at them. "I'll drive you home."

Killian slides into the car seat and glances at Hazel who is wiping her tears and looking out the window to avoid looking at him. With a heavy sigh, he starts the engine and leaves the parking lot to drive Hazel back home, then buys time to think of a way to tell Bree that he's let her down once again.

"I can have an abortion... if it makes things easier for you," she sobbed, turning her gaze to him.

"What the hell are you talking about? There's a human being in there with a heart and a soul," Killian said, glaring at her with furrowed brows.

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