† A weekend in Nevada †

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The alarm went off and Killian felt Bree reach over to the bedside table to hit snooze

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The alarm went off and Killian felt Bree reach over to the bedside table to hit snooze. Normally she always got up when the first alarm went off, maybe the only alarm she had on her phone too, but Killian liked to snooze for another five minutes and preferably twenty too.

He crawls closer to her as she lies reading messages on Facebook and nuzzles his nose against her neck.

It had become a habit for them to sleep next to each other and Bree hadn't slept on the couch once in the past two weeks. He lets his hand find her bare breast and squeezes it playfully as he presses his crotch against her hip.

"Killian, not now. We have to get up in five minutes," she said with a soft gasp, continuing to scroll through Facebook.

"Put the phone away and cuddle with me instead," he murmured, kissing her slender neck.

Bree tilts her head to the side for him to continue kissing her neck but now goes into messages to read a message from Brad. Killian glances at the display and reads how Brad enjoyed last night with her and even though he knows they're dating; he hates being reminded of it.

He pulls away from her and turns in bed. Cuddling his face into the pillow to snooze for five more minutes before he has to get up and shower. They were off from school this Friday and Killian had worked during the week to be able to take the entire weekend off to go back to Nevada with Bree.

He was looking forward to coming home and spending time with his parents and Bree's family as a change from everyday life. Jolie, on the other hand, was not looking forward to him being gone for a whole weekend and she was not allowed to come along. Killian drew the line when he considered meeting the family was something you only did as a couple, not as two people who only slept with each other.

"Did you get grumpy?" he heard Bree ask, feeling her hand grip his cock as she kissed his shoulder.

"I'm going to snooze for five more minutes. Chat with your Brad instead," he murmured, feeling her naked body against his back.

"So, you're grumpy," she said amused, and began teasing him. "Are you getting jealous of Brad?"

She giggled and began to jerk his cock in smooth motions. Not because she seemed to want sex, but to tease him even more.

"I'm screwing you and Brad, and stop teasing me," he hissed but felt her continue.

"You can admit you get jealous. I get jealous sometimes of you and Jolie too. Especially when I see you with her, the way you hug or kiss her," she said quietly, placing her cheek against his shoulder blade.

The thought had crossed his mind several times to tell her how he felt, but the fear of ruining what they had together now kept him silent. He had found her diary again but stopped himself from reading it as he didn't want to know what she and Brad had done with each other.

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