{29} Candyholic, pizza time, and trick or treats

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I seriously cannot stop laughing. Candy shopping with Niall resulted in a cart overflowing with sweets. "Do you like chocolate?" He blurted. I nodded, still laughing. Who doesn't like chocolate anyways? "Do you like twix bars, sour candy...?-" "NIALL! I think we have enough candy!" I yelled. Niall huffed, "I'm just getting some for us later." "Well on that note, we can get more." I smirked.

We held hands and swung our arms while walking down the aisle. We just left the cart at the top, its too heavy to push. "We're lucky Maura gave us her credit card." Niall snickered. I stuck my tongue out at him and continued to look. I had to grab a whole bag of kit kats, one of my favorite kinds.

Niall and I set the last candy bags into our cart. "Finally." I grinned and was about to push it. "Get on the back!" Niall said amused. Oh my gosh, I used to always do this when I was little. With my sisters actually! I stood on the back and held on. I burst out laughing when Niall mumbled, "Damn it." Now he had to push the heavy cart and me.

"GO NIALL GO! I yelled. He rolled his eyes and started pushing it to the check out section. "Hey I guess it's not that hard?" I smiled as he easily pushed it. Well then.

He wheeled the cart to the check out lady. "You're going to get a cavity from all this, kids." The old lady screeched. Her voice was annoying at hell. "It's Halloween." Niall rose an eyebrow, "If you're telling me..not to eat candy on Halloween...you are one messed up person."

She glared at Niall and started ringing up the candy. I put my hand over my mouth to cover my laughing. Niall getting protective over his food much?

"Here you go, enjoy kids." She mumbled handed us our bags.

"Enjoy KIDS." Niall kept mimicking as we walked out. "I'm sorry she offended you." I joked and swung my arm around his shoulder. He nestled his head into my neck, "Thanks for understanding." We reached his mom's car and threw the grocery bags in the trunk.

Maura's eyes widened. "HOW MUCH CANDY DID YOU-" "MOM. No questions!" Niall interrupted.

She looked at me momly and shook her head. Niall was probaly a pain in the butt when he was little. "For dinner want to go to your favorite pizza place on the corner?" She asked specifically to Niall. He nodded quickly. "Is that fine Grace?" "Sure." I smiled.

I think she chose it because it was so close. We literally took a couple more turns then parked. As we got out of the car Niall kept looking at my hand. Gr, I want to hold hands but his mom is here. A sign that said "Brunos Pizza" hung over the little restaurant.

Inside it was actually pretty dark. All the tables had the same checkered table cloth. We sat down at a table for four. But we only had three people? "Oh, Greg is going to get here soon." Maura explained. Well that makes sense.

"Hello, could I start you guys off with some drinks?" A waitress in maybe her 20s asked. Niall ordered Mountain Dew. I ordered lemonade. Then Maura got iced tea and a coke for Greg. "It will be out soon." The waitress smiled.

Twenty minutes later, Greg was here and our pizza was served. Niall convinced everyone to get the thick crusted pizza. Which was definitely a good choice! Niall seemed to love it too because he was on his fourth piece.

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