{74} Family struggles, bang bang, and old friends

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Niall's POV: 

I woke up with a great feeling, unlike the groggy feeling I used to always have in the morning.  My dark curtains kept the sun from being too blinding.  As I laid there, in my mess of blankets, I thought about Christmas night.  I wasn't even with her, yet it felt so much like it.  Now tomorrow is New Years Eve and I have to get there, somehow.  

When I step out of bed, I throw on a pair of sweats and don't even bother with a shirt.  I try to stretch out my muscles the best I can but all I can think about is talking to Maura about New Years.  I have to go downstairs.  

The problem is, my family expects me to go to my damn neighbor's party.  "It's a tradition, Niall James!".  Yikes, who cares!  I finally am invited to a REAL New Years party.  With girls, probably drinking, and kissing... Most importantly - my little brown eyed cutie, but you get the point.  It would probably be different if my cousins weren't all coming in too.  Of course this year they had to, it's freakin' shit!    

"Hey, uh-"

"Is this about that party again?" Maura says, cutting me off.

I fill a glass with orange juice and frown.  So yeah, I guess I'm being a little too clear I want to go.  

"Just this one year, yeah?" I try, "I'll see the cousins all day tomorrow!"

"The party is far away... It's not convenient at all, Niall." She tells me her usual answer and brushes my cheek.

I turn the other way and start drumming my fingers on my chair.  I don't wanna be in this house any longer.  I just want to go back to Brookwood.  

"Little Ni has been working out." Greg smacks my stomach.

Okay, I'm definitely sick of my family at this point.

I don't even know if what Greg said was sarcasm or not.  I probably don't want to know.

The side of my head rests in my palm as I scowl.  It's time for Brookwood, hurry up already.  

Grace's POV:

"Red solo cups?" Lyssa looks at a list. 

"Check!" I grin. 

She checks it off her party list and starts randomly twerking.  Our New Years Eve party is actually tomorrow.  I don't know what to expect at all.  But I do know my dad will be chill and either leave the house or get zoned into working.  A lot of people from Brookwood will be coming and that excites me.  We can party together, then go back to Brookwood on the 2nd.  

 Of course Niall can't give me a definite answer about if he's coming or not.  I'm trying to put it in the back of my head so I can stop worrying.  But I can't.  All I want to know is a yes or a no.  I know the truth is if Niall doesn't show, my night won't be the same.  Ever since he sent that gift, the feelings have been ten times worse.  In a good way of course.

 "What if no one comes, Lyss.  I'm afraid it's going to be incredibly awkward..." I worry.

"They'll come.  You know why?" Lyssa smirks, "Because we're the hosts, I mean..." 

I chuckle and shake my head, "But if there's some other 'big' party, people could easily ditch for that." 

"There won't be.  Ours will be ragin." 

All this day has been so far is literally decorating the basement.  We've put cool lights up and tested this disco ball type thing.  It's actually pretty crappy but looks awesome with the lights off and changes colors.  

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