{12} A hyper morning, stressful afternoon, and perfect night

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"Get up you lazy bum!" Chelle yelled shaking me awake. Bum...haha. "Alright alright!" I pushed her off. I hauled myself out of my bed and stared at Chelle in shock. "OMG USUALLY YOU NEVER WAKE UP ON YOUR OWN. GOOD JOB CHELLEY!" I exclaimed and she hugged me. We had a moment.

"Anyways, meet me RIGHT after classes are out. You have a freaking date!" Chelle squealed and hugged me again. I blushed and groaned, "Don't you dare stalk Niall and I!" "No! The girls and I will be celebrating that your all grown up." "Oh dear God..." I laughed. I changed into my uniform. "I should go as a popular for Halloween." Chelle laughed. She unbuttoned her polo, stuck her boobs out, and pulled her skirt up high. I rolled on my bed hysterically laughing. Chelle told me, "I'm kidding, I'm going to be a cat. But someone should do that sometime." "I agree!" I said laughing some more.

Great, now I was in a hyper mood. Chelle and I skipped down the hall linking arms. "Follow the yellow brick road. Follow the yellow brick road." I sang getting some glares from sleepy girls. Considering it was 6 in the morning. Holland was just getting out of her dorm and her face lit up. "Follow follow follow follow, follow the yellow brick road!" She joined in. I hugged her tightly, because I really wanted a hug at the moment. "I love you Holly!" I exclaimed. "Same, but you have a boyfriend....kind of." Holland said in a serious tone. I laughed and we skipped to the cafe.

All our friends were at our regular spot. "HEYY!!!" Louis screamed. For once I really wanted to see him. I gave everyone high fives grinning like crazy. "What's up with her?" Harry smirked, watching me amused. "She's really hyper." Chelle laughed and I plopped down on Eleanor's lap. "Hey baby!" She joked. "I think she needs coffee." Louis said with an evil grin. "Noooo. She doesn't need to be any more hyper." Kirsten said with wide eyes. Everyone was eating poptarts , so I did the same.

"AY! Don't sit on Eleanor's lap, come here my hyper girl!" Louis yelled at me. I jumped up and hugged Louis tightly. I turned around, leaned against him, and he wrapped his arms around my waist. While eating my poptart... "Guys whats the canoe field trip going to be like?" Eleanor asked curiously. "I don't know but we better get to pick our partners." Chelle said crossing her arms. "If we do pick I CALL GRACIE!" Holland yelled. Harry, Chelle, and Kirsten sighed. I high fived Holland.

"Okay...can I have a turn with Grace?" Harry asked annoyed. The bell just happened the ring at that exact moment. We all laughed at Harry when he fake cried. "Bye Harry!" I chuckled and gave him a side hug. But no- he just had to pull me fully into his arms. "Promise me nothing will happen tonight on your date." Harry mumbled still hugging me. I blurted, "I'm not making any promises!" Harry let go and stuck his tongue out at me. "You give good hugs." He winked. I rolled my eyes and ran off to class

Last Class of the day.

I tapped my foot nervously. When I hang out with Niall, we act a little more than friends- but its never forced. But now that this is a date...what are we going to do? Nialls really hard to read. Is he going to kiss me? Oh my God if he does I'm going to freak out, embarrass myself, and die in a hole. I've never made out with anyone. But Niall? I can't see him doing that. Shit. I'm nervous.

Holland looked at me from across the classroom chuckling. I bit my lip. "Grace. Can you answer the question please?" My biology teacher asked harshly. Crap! She's not making me feel any better. "Umm, can you please repeat the question.?" I asked innocently. "That's what I thought..." She mumbled and asked another student. What?! Huh? No fair. Ugh.

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