{58} Stuck, a perfect school, and thanks Dad

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I cried and cried and cried some more.  

I feel stuck.  

All I want is to go back, before the call, when everything was finally better.  I don't know what I did to get this, but whenever I'm finally okay something ruins it.  And overall my life is just like that.  I'm finally happy at this school and my dad makes me move.  I hate him right now!  I hate him so much! 

I need to get more details though.  Hell, I don't want to do AT ALL.  I don't want to even think about this.  But what if I have to leave tomorrow?!  What about the dance!?  I don't have a date anyways.  Ugh this is too much.  I'm freaking tired from the snow and I just want to sleep.  

The best I can, I push myself off the ground.  With my shaky hands I feel so weak.  I don't even care what I look like, I'm leaving anyways.  Once I open my door I feel the need to run.  I don't want to be questioned.  I wouldn't even be able to talk.  So I sprint past all my friend's dormrooms and my fun times that will just be memories.  Once I get out of the girls hall I keep running towards the principles office.    


No!  Chelle, don't make me explain now.  I keep running and suddenly get stopped by her arms around my waist.  


"You don't... want to know." I quietly say so I don't burst into tears. 

"I'm worried for you!  Yes I want to know!" 

Her eyes flicker all around my face and I've actually never seen her so terrified.  I don't want to imagine what I look like right now.  My insides burn thinking of her reaction.  I want her to be happy still, like how I was just an hour ago.  I don't want to put her through this. 

"Chelle I hate to tell you this but..." I suck in a breath.  

I burst out crying again.  I'm so pathetic.  Chelle squeezes me tightly and keeps listening.  

"...my dad called and I'm moving.  Away from this school."  

Her eyes squinted and she looked like she couldn't find words.  

"What the hell!  Are you making this up?!  Please tell me you are!" Chelle yells.  

"I'm not." I whisper and a few more tears rolled down my cheeks.  

Chelle squeezes her eyes shut and I watch her start to cry.  I want to tell her to stop but I can't help it anymore.  Everyones going to be fucking sad now because of me.  I can't just not tell them though or else they'd be even more sad.  They'd hate me.  

"What am I going to do?" Chelle cries,  "What is everyone going to do?"

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