{55} Posh notes, dropping chocolates, and Chelle's 'twin'

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I didn't want to go back to regular school days at all.  This weekend was way too much fun.  Probably my first weekend back with all my real friends.  It is Monday now.  My last full week before Winter Break!  After that I only have two days!  I cannot wait!  Especially for the dance, with every ones new dresses and all.  

"To confirm everything, the winter formal will be this Saturday.  Then you can go home for winter break after classes next Tuesday." Kathryn smiled up on the stage.  

This was a whole school meeting.  Kathryn was on student council.  I seriously forget everytime.  The last meeting before break!!!! Ahhh, I just can't wrap my head around that.  Whenever we have breaks  I don't know where to go.  The fact that it's Christmas means I'll have to go with my family.  I'll have to see my dad.  Maybe I can just invite my friends over a lot...to make it less boring?  Who even lives near me!?

"I could never be Kath up there." Chelle smirked. 

"Yeah, really." I reply.

"I don't want to go back with my family." 

"I was thinking the same thing Chelle..."

The meeting is wrapped up.  That means my whole day of school ahead of me is starting.  Actually my whole week ahead of me is starting. It will be worth it though.  I'm ready to party at this winter formal.  Last 'fun' party was the Halloween one!  

Chelle and I stood up and waited for everyone to file out of the auditorium.  I spotted Curly in the distance.  I can't act like I didn't see him, that was obvious eye contact right there.  He pushed past people to get near me.  

"You know what..I'm gonna go find Holland." Chelle pointed somewhere else.

"Oh..okay!" I waved bye.

Then Harry finally made his way towards me.  I smiled seeing him in his uniform again.  He looks just like all the other boys but still unique.  Something about him is so different.  

"Friday was fun.  Yeah, really fun." He rocks back and forth on his feet.  

"Yes it was, how was the rest of your weekend?" I ask when we start to walk to the halls.  

"Normal." He replies. 

We walk in silence.  It's not a bad silence, but a comfortable one.  I'm glad he's next to me though.  We have history class together and I'm glad, I secretly don't want him to leave me.  

I lead the way by taking a seat in the back of the classroom.  Harry sits next to me of course.  Except I arrange my binder, pen, and homework neatly in front of me.  He just slumps down into the chair and taps his feet.  Until he flashes a cheeky smile at me.  

"What?" I raise my eyebrows.  

"Nothing..it's just..." Then he starts laughing to myself.  

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