{52} That perfectness, being sketchy, and returning boxers

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Throughout this week I've apologized to as much people as I could. They've done the same back. That put a smile on my face. I'm finally feeling a part of everything again and I've missed it for sure. Zayn wasn't worth almost loosing all of my friendships. I know now--I learned the hard way. Why can't we all just learn things easily?

Tomorrows Friday. I wouldn't be disapointed if I was unsocial and stayed with Chelle. I'm just happy having her back...besides, after doing crazy things with Zayn I need a break. Specifically sneaking out. At the moment I can't believe I did that. I never agreed to do it though. It was all Zayn.

"Gracie!" Holland yelled.

She apologized yesterday and said she was jealous all along. I don't know if she was just saying that or what. Was she jealous at the fact I got Zayn? She shouldn't have been...it wasn't even all that it seems like. I'm glad I'm with the friendly Holland and not the one who glares at me.

"Yeah?" I blinked.

She shoved something in my face. I was still in the process of snapping out of my thoughts. Her iphone was in front of me and someone was calling. The contact name said "Be my date?" I was so confused until I realized this was a way of asking to the formal.

Holland was freaking out and finally answered the phone. I put my ear near it so I could listen.

"Hey it's Cade I changed my contact name, will you go to the winter formal with me Holland?" He laughed.

I squealed as Holland blurted, "YES YES! I will go!"

They talked for another minute and she was going to go meet him somewhere. As happy as I am for her...I'm left alone now.

I get up from the table to go somewhere. Eleanor is going with Louis. Holland is going with Cade. Will asked Kathryn yesterday...hm. Kirsten! Will she be asked?! I forgot about her and Liam. That would be the most adorable thing ever.

Once I reached the crowd of people walking through the hallways I found Liam! Perfect opportunity to ask him about the winter formal. He made eye contact with me but looked worried. Whatever.

"Hey Liam!" I rushed up to him.


"I was wondering...are you asking Kirsten to the-"


That beautiful, Irish voice came out of no where, "Liam, I was thinkin'! Is anyone gonna ask Gracie to the.."

Everyone around me stopped walking, I swear. I think my heart stopped beating and beat faster at the same time. Niall looked at me with complete shock. His eyes moved from my feet all the way up to my eyes. I did the same...

His gymshoes were scuffed up but his uniform was tidy. Niall's cheeks were turning that familiar pink and his eyes blinking more than usual. The blond hair that I always loved was tousled and a little more brown. He was perfect.

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