Press Conference.

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It's exactly midnihgt... weehayyyy


"I don't want to do this Liam." I groaned.

"I know, we'll walk out there, answer their questions and it will all be over." Liam told me.

"And watever I do, do not say it's any of the boys'" I nodded, repeating what managment had told me.  

We entered a room and sat by a table on a stage, photographers and news reporters infront of me. I took a sip of the water that was infront of me, and waited for the first question.

"Begin." Liam spoke into the microphone.

"Who is this young lady?" One reporter asked.

"M-my name is Rowan Duhglas, and I'm 19 years old." I spoke through the microphone.

"What is your relationship with Liam?" Another asked.

"Liam and I have known each other since we were 13, so for 6 years." I replied.

"We are the besterest of friends as we used to say." Liam said, and some laughter filled the room.

"Are you close with any of the other boys?" quick fire question.

"I'm close with all the boys, closest with Liam though obviously."

"How do you get along with Eleanor and Perrie?" 

"We're basicaly best friends." I laughed.

"Do you have a job?" 

"I'm currently unemployed, but I'm hoping to get a job soon."

"Who's baby is it?" 

"I suffered from amnesia, so I'm not entirely sure, but we're slowly buiding up the pieces." I laughed.

"Can we please have a picture of you and Liam with the bump?" One asked. I looked over to Liam.

"If you want to." He said. I nodded my head, what's the worst that could happen? We stood up and everyone gasped. I guess they weren't expecting such a big bump from such a petite person. I wasn't even that small. Once the picture was taken I fell back down in my seat.

"How many months are you?"

"11 weeks I think so thats almost 3 months." I nodded.

"Who do you think the baby's father is?"

"I'm not sure."

"Who do you want the father's baby to be?"

"No comment."

"Are you sure you want the baby?"


"Why didn't you use protection?"

"No comment." 

"Do you think you're a bad role model on young children." I froze. Did I?

"This conference is over." Liam said, before dragging me out.

"That was hell." I spoke.

"Don't worry. And don't listen to what they say." Liam said, kissing my forehead.

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