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I'm struggling a bit on whhat to write about, so if you could give any suggestions please comment below and let me know;)


"Ro, do you want to come to a celebration evening with me tomorrow?" I heard Liam ask through the bathroom door.

"Yeah okay." I said, wiping my mouth after just being sick. I brushed my teeth again and left the bathroom. Liam was just about to leave the room when he oppened his arms. I walked into them and rested my head on his chest. 

"It's okay, you'll stop being being sick soon." He smiled down at me. 

"Yeah, in 4 months." I laughed and so did he. I left his arms and sat on th bed.

"I can't believe you only have four months left." Liam said.

"Yeah, I know." I replied.

"Do you want to go shopping with Perrie and Eleanor today? Get a nice dress or this evening?" Liam asked. I nodded and Liam texted them. Eleanor was coming but Perrie could'nt because she was doing some album work. I got dressed into a polka dot blue dress and put on some lace up leather canvas shoes. I walked downstairs to see Eleanor had arrived.


We had been shopping for a while, and I had found an amaing dress that was a grey-ish colour and went all the way down to the floor. It was also maternity.

"Perfect, Eleanor what do you think?" I asked.

"Yeah, I like it!" She said, holding a black dress similar to mine, but hers wasn't in the maternity section.

"How was your scan on Friday?" She asked me.

"All good, babies healthy and is due in August." I grinned at her.

"That's cool! Is it a boy or girl?" She asked,

"I want a surprise." I told her and she laughed.

"That man is staring at us, I think he's paparazzi, let's buy these and go." Eleanor whispered in my ear and I nodded. We went and payed and then left the shop.

"How about some Nandos?" I asked.

"Niall will kill us!" 

"Let's invite them then." I smiled, and called Liam. 

"He said he'll be there in 10 minutes." I told Eleanor and she nodded. We walked towards nandos and got a table for us all. Of course they didn't make us wait, and so we sat straight at a table. The boys walked in and joined us. Liam sat next to me, Louis next to Eleanor, Harry next to Niall and Zayn next to Liam. 

We talked and ate, and all in all it was a really good night, eventually though we had to go home. 

I walked straight upstairs and changed into a large t-shirt and pyjama shorts.I then climbed into bed and Liam came in as well. We spoke for a while and then fell asleep.

My Baby Daddy [One Direction FanFic]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora