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I've decided to try and finish this in 2 weeks, which is how long I have off from school, so expect updates at least everyday.


I woke up that morning feeling grotty. My stomach felt odd, and I just felt sick. Liam wasn't in bed, so I stood up, but that didn't make me feel any better. I walked into the bathroom to have a shower, and turned the knob. I then started to brush my teeth, but I felt physically sick by then, so I sat down by the toilet, and eventually I was sick. If there was one thing I hate about the pregnancy so far, it's the sick. I'm pretty sure it gets worse than that eventually, bad back, sore feet, mood changes, but at  the moment the being sick was definitley the worst part. I stood up from the floor and  continued brushing my teeth, and then I got into the shower. 

Once I was out of the shower I got dressed into some pale pink jeans and a denim shirt, and  tied my hair into a bun, not really bothering with it. I walked downstairs not bothering with makeup either, and sat on the island watching Niall try and cook.

"What are you trying to cook Niall?" I asked.

"Cupcakes." He grinned back. 

"Well, you need to get out one of those blender machienes, you'll make alot less mess and it's quicker." I shrug. 

"Thanks.." Niall mumbed, searching through draws.

"Second on your left Niall." I laughed, and then went and sat on the sofa.

"Louis, where's Liam?" I asked the boy currently on the sofa, probably texting someone.

"He went to the gym." He mumbled back. I nodded and went back upstairs to our room. 

I took out Liam's laptop and logged onto twitter, to see alot more followers and some mentions. I scrolled through them to see mostly hate. Things like:

@BeccaBoo: Get off my Payne.

@Hazzashair: If you even touch Harry then expect bad things to occour.

@LouisLover44: HE'S MINE.

@Wor1ddirection: You don't know he your baby's daddy is.. LOL. I bet she's just getting with the boys, pretending it's there's when it's some random guys'.

And things along the lines of that. Why where people saying this about me? I understand they're protective of the boys, but I have never done anything with them, from what I remember anyway. I slammed the laptop down and went downstairs.

"I'm going out guys!" I shouted, before grabbing my handbag and walking out of the door. I decided that the best thing to do is go on a nice long walk, away from the drama, but when does that happen when you're living with One Direction? As I got closer to the leisure centre we were at a few days ago, more people were noticing me. Thankfully, because my t-shirt wasn't too tight, it didn't show my stomach off, so to anyone who decided they were going to take a picture of me, I just looked slightly fat. That's when I realised the amount of paparazzi coming towards me. I put on the hat and sunglasses I had in my bag and practically ran into the leisure centre. I walked over to the reception and asked to go upstairs to see a friend. 

"I'm sorry no, the gym is packed as it is." The lady said.

"Is it okay if I wait down here then please?" I asked. The lady nodded and I went and sat on a chair that was actually quite comfortable. I can't wait until I can't get comfortable. I sat there for a while, just thinking, and then I got bored and took out my phone. I decided to completely skip twitter, and instead went onto the interent and typed in One Direction. It came up with an article that read:

Liam Payne's new girl Rowan Duhglas.

I clicked on the link and there was an article.

Liam Payne from boy band One Direction had a press conference recently with possible new girfriend Rowan Duhglas. They denied anything to do with her relationship with him or any of the boys,  but did explain to us about how she got amnesia recently and forgot about who her baby's daddy is. Yes, she is pregnant. It was all going great, a few answers not being given, but all the juicy stuff we have here. After being asked a reasonable question and freezing on the spot, Payne stopped the questions and they left. After leaving the press conference however, they were spotted cuddling, and Liam kissing her on the forehead. Could Rowan be the new Danielle, or are they really just 'The Besterest of Friends'?  

There was also a picture attached that was of Liam kissing my forehead. Do these news reporters not realise we explained we are not a couple, and he was just being a good friend? I groaned in anger and decided to take it out on a good game of fruit ninja. 

After finishing my game, I looked up and Liam was just coming down the stairs. I stood up and when he saw me he smiled.

"What are you doing here?" He asked me when he got closer.

"Well, I wanted to go on a walk, but then there was a tone of paparazzi outside, so I decided to just come in and wait for you." I smiled. 

"Well, how about we head back now then, yeah?" He asked, and I nodded. We walked outside, Liam holding his sports bag, and drinking water, whilst I put my hat on. When we got outside there was around 3 or 4 reporters and about 5 or 6 fans, so Liam and I decided to stop.  He took a picture with the fans whilst the reporters stood there taking pictures of him and I. When we were done we walked off, but then more reporters came along, shooting questions our direction. Liam tried pulling me through but it didn't work.

"Guys!" He shouted towards them. They all stopped.

"It's not good for the baby if Rowan is under stress, so if you don't mind, we'd really like to get going home." He said. The reporters sighed and made a space for me to get through. I thanked them and walked through reaching Liam again. We started walking back, not really minding the fact that the reporters were following us.  They had been pretty kind to let me through to be honest, what's a little picture going to do?

"Thanks Liam," I smiled up at him. ", I'd kiss you on the cheek but I think they'd take it the wrong way." I laughed, pointing towards the few reporters left following us. Liam laughed as well.

"I take it you've read the report then." He asked and  I nodded.

"It's really stupid, we've told them the truth, why can't they just understand?" I moaned. 

"I know, but once you figure out who the dad is, we can let them know and they'll leave us alone." He smiled. I smiled back and we walked up to the house. By now there were no more reporters, and I could relax a little bit. We entered the house to find a smoke filled house. I coughed and walked over to the kitchen to find Louis and Niall desperatley trying to save the very dead, black cupcakes.

"What's going o- Who let Niall cook?" Harry asked, coming downstairs.

I sheepishly turned around and started walking out, but Harry grabbed my waist and pulled me back.

"Harry! You might hurt the baby, put her down!" Liam ordered. Harry rolled his eyes and grabbed the cupcake tin, oppened the bin and tipped them in.

"Niall don't cook!" He shouted, before walking upstairs. Niall literally looked like he was going to cry.

"It's okay Niall, why don't we make some more, and I'll help?" I said. Niall nodded, but then frowned.

"We have no ingredients though." He said.

"Let's go get some!" I replied and he nodded, already getting on his shoes.

My Baby Daddy [One Direction FanFic]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin