uh oh.

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I haven't even finished the chapters. I fell asleep woops..


A week later I was sitting on my bed watching Mall Cop.  Not so sure why, it seemed like fun. The boys had to go out and do some recording today, and Eleanor and Perrie were busy. So, I had woken up, got dressed, went downstairs and made myself a hot chocolate and some popcorn and came back up. I grabbed my phone half way through the movie and decided to text someone. I sent out a message to all the boys saying:

I’m boreedddddd

A few minutes later I got a reply.

From: Louis

Meee tooooo

To: Louis

When are you coming home?

From: Louis

A few hours…

I frowned and continued to watch Mall Cop until it ended. I decided that maybe I could meet up with one of my friends from University, so I got out my phone again and decided to text my friend Clara and see if she was available. She told me yes, and we were meeting at starbucks in 10 minutes. I grabbed my shoes and walked out of the door.

I arrived at Starbucks 2 minutes late, and when I walked into the shop, my friend was sitting at a table, sipping on a beverage of some sort. I went and sat down.

“Hey, sorry I’m a bit late.” I smiled at her.

“It’s okay.” She replied.

“I’m just going to get a drink, would you like anything?” I asked her, she shook her head and I went and got a hot chocolate. When I came back, my friend had her phone out.

“Are you okay?” I asked her, sitting down. She nodded.

“So, how have you been?” She asked.

“Yeah, a bit hectic with the baby and the boys, but alright.” I smiled, holding my hot chocolate.

“How’s is the baby?” Something was up.

“Yeah fine. How have you been?”  I asked. She shrugged and asked some more questions.

“Do you know who the baby father is?” She asked again.

“I have an idea…”

“Can you tell me?”

“U-um, promise not to tell anyone?” She nodded.

“I think its Harry’s.” I whispered into her ear. She nodded again.

“I’ve got to go, see you later.” She said, before leaving the shop. I furrowed my eyebrows and stood up. I left the shop and walked home. I sat on the sofa, watching a film for a while, before the phone rang.

“Hello?” I asked.

“Rowan, have you seen the news?” Harry asked.

“N-no why?”

“Have you told anyone about Harry recently.”

“U-um, I told one of my best friends today, but I whispered it.” I told him.

“She’s sold the story to the news.” He breathed.

“What?!” I shouted.

“I’ll be there in 5.” Liam said, before hanging up.


The evening that day was filled with almost tears, pacing, shouting and calls. I can’t believe one of my best friends would do this to me.

“Well, there’s not a lot we can do anymore. Don’t go on Twitter for a while, okay?” Liam asked. I nodded, still quite star-struck in  a way, and Harry came and sat with me.

“It will be okay.” He told me, and I nodded again. The boys pulled me into a hug, and then I went upstairs to bed.

My Baby Daddy [One Direction FanFic]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora