Chapter 5: Did You Die Over There?

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"Emma, we're here."

I open my eyes and narrow them because of the sudden harshness of light, trying to keep them open.

Leaning up in my seat, I bring my hand to my eyes to rub them so they can adjust to the light faster, humming softly as I do so.

"Let's go." Tyler grumbles, making me realize he's standing by my stand, the door to my seat open and his face seeming annoyed and impatient. 

God, what's his problem?

Maybe you should find out.

That's the worst idea ever.

"Tyler! Jesus, wait up a moment would you?" I yell, trying to scramble out of the car and rush to catch up with him.

He ignores me and continues walking, causing me to stare at Brandon's back seeing as they ahead of us by a few as we walk towards the mall.

"Can I ask you a question?" I suddenly speak, turning my head to look at Tyler as he shrugs, staying blank-faced.

"So like, what's your deal?" I decide to ask, quite annoyed with how hostile he is towards me even though I didn't do anything he didn't cause first.

"Honestly, I think you're a bitch. I think you're using my friends and I for popularity because no one wants to be friends with the little emo girl crying in the corner. Sorry to inform you, but we don't take charity work. Brandon and Carter, they trust people too easy and that's what gets them hurt, I'm tired of dealing with people like you."

I raise my eyebrows at his answer, wondering where all of this coming from. "Really?"

"We are just fine on our own, we don't need you."

"Have you ever thought that not everyone is out to get you?"

Tyler finally meets my gaze making me stop at the same time he does.

We stand like that for a few seconds, neither of us saying anything until I finally speak up.

"Did you die over there?"

"No, I'm just thinking."

"Don't hurt yourself."

"Oh ha ha, you're so funny."

"I like to think so."

"Yeah well stop thinking that." He grumbles as he turns away from me and walks into the mall.

I quickly fall after him, not knowing where to go.

He ignores me walking by his side as he leads me to the candy store the boys were talking about before.

"Last one there is a rotten egg?" I ask, hoping to lift the tension.

Tyler shrugs and looks over at me before suddenly breaking into a mad sprint before I could see the mischievous sparkle in his eyes.

I follow his actions, running quickly to catch up with him.

Damn that boy is fast.
"I'd like to say that you had an head start so totally unfair."

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