Chapter 17: Party City Bitches

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gif of tracy :))

"All this for a fucking tie."

I shrug at Tyler's voice, not really caring that we tied since we're getting ice cream anyway.

Tyler holds the door open for me, knowing that he should try to get on my good side after how he acted towards Ethan.

"Brandon and Carter are suppose to meet us here."

"Well they better hurry if they want to catch us. I don't plan on staying." I reply, my eyes wandering to the menu on the wall.

"I guess you'll be on your own then, cause I'm staying 'till they get here." Tyler snaps back, telling me with his tone to push back the attitude before walking away.

I scoff, wondering what the hell did I even do wrong. He was the one who acted like a complete dick to me, I should be snapping at him.

My body soon follows behind him in line, but my mouth does not move and my eyes don't look.

Mission ignore Tyler is underway.

He doesn't even try to talk to me, making me roll my eyes before catching myself.

I don't even want him to talk to me, why do I care so much?

My thoughts are interrupted when I'm next in line, the girl behind the counter looking at me with cheerful eyes.

"Hi! Welcome to basket robins, want can we make you today?" She exclaims, smiling brightly like she actually wants to be serving me ice cream.

"Oh um, just a mint ice cream please."

The girl nods, asking me cup or cone and then asking me what size when I answer cup.

I tell her medium before stepping away to let the next customer order.

Tyler ignores me and plays on his phone, having to stand next to me since he's waiting as well.

I do the same, looking around the store instead of my phone and glancing at all the people in here.

"Cookie dough!" The guy somewhat yells, raising his voice enough that we can all hear him.

Tyler steps forward, thanking the man before grabbing the cup from his hand. I assume he's going to walk away from me but he stay. He doesn't talk but he goes right back to standing next to me and starts devouring his ice cream.

"Mint chocolate chip!"

I do the same as Tyler, mumbling a thank you as I take the cup and step back to pay when a hand smacks money on the counter.

My eyes raise in confusion as Tyler ignores my stare, making sure the guy takes his money before walking away.

He payed for me. Again. Jesus Christ, I'm suppose to be mad at him but it's hard when he does stuff like this.

At that point, Brandon and Carter enter the building in the only way they know how; dramatically.

"Don't worry everyone, we are, finally, here!" Carter reassures everyone, smiling charmingly at a girl nearby.

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