Chapter 24: Head In The Clouds

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Edited ☑️

gif of Spencer Black, will make more sense later in the chapter :)

"When I was six years old, my mom was finishing the academy, like I mentioned before."

Tyler nods from where he's sitting. We managed to walk through the woods for a bit until we found another clearing with no people. I made him sit across from me because I know if I was sitting next to him, I would wimp out.

"The city we lived in, was very gang active. You couldn't walk down the street without seeing one. The first night my mom officially was on the job, a gang war had started. She was on parking duty but when they called in for as many officers as they could get, they sent her with the others. It didn't go too bad. Not as bad as it could've been and she wasn't injured at all. I can't say the same for some of the others."

I look up at him for a moment and I try to read his face. But he's blank and my palms start to sweat out of nervousness.

"There was this couple there, they had a kid. He was eight. The mom died first, the dad came quickly after. They were shot. Case closed, we never got more of the story. The kid, his name was Spencer. My mom found him first, he was hiding under one of the beds. Long story short, she decided to adopt him. I lied when I said I didn't have any siblings, I'm sorry. I had an older brother."

Tyler stares at me but I ignore his gaze and turn my head while biting down on my lip.

"That's not that bad-."

"There's more." My voice cracks and I clear it after speaking, wincing at the lack of confident. Tyler closes his mouth and leans back on his hands, waiting for me to continue.

"The gang his parents came from, survived the fight. They lost people for sure but they were the biggest gang in the city, for every person they lost they gained twenty more. They were huge. And the leader of it kept tabs on Spencer. A couple months after my mom adopted him, a couple of them approached him after school. I was sick that day so he was all alone. They didn't reveal who they actually were, just said they're friends of his parents. Of course being a human, he wanted to learn more about them so he let them take him out to eat. My mom was livid when he got home after her. Shouted at him for a solid ten minutes before she burst out crying and sent him to his room.

"He didn't listen. And sometimes I would catch him talking to them on the phone or when I was waiting for him after school so we can walk together. We always had a problem with money like I said, at one point it was really bad. I was fourteen and Spencer was sixteen. He started taking jobs for them for money, and helping our mom pay the bills. He told her he got a job and she was hesitant but we needed the money. She never questioned him further, something tells me she didn't want to know."

I take a breathe while closing my eyes, trying to recollect every small detail I can. I haven't told this story in a long time, I was hoping I wouldn't have to again but I guess the past has a way of catching up to us.

"He was mostly just selling drugs for them, sometimes he would transport them to and from 'jobs'. He never told me what those jobs were, but I knew they were less than friendly. I caught him one day, with the drugs in his backpack. I thought it smelled weird and wanted to see why, or at least Febreeze it or something. Imagine my surprise when tons of clear packages came out. It took me a second to figure out what they were but I did. Like I said, we lived in a ghetto city. We all knew what that looked like. Long story short, I confronted him about it and he told me. And that was that, I didn't try to convince him to stop. I know he wouldn't listen to me and we needed that money. He kept doing jobs for them and I kept pretending like I knew nothing."

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