Chapter Eight: First Act

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After a few weeks of me hiding at Talbot's, I finally came home in my house in Boston. I turned the knob and frowned when I saw a dozen upon dozens of boquets in vases placed inside my house without my permission and my knowledge. I placed my bags by the foyer before I toed my shoes off and approached the first vase looking for a card.

Upon finding the card on my center table, I immediately opened it and froze as I read the words repeatedly trying to grasp what is actually happening.

These flowers may look beautiful inside your house, but they are NOTHING when placed beside you. I'm sorry for what I have done, let's talk, please.

❤ Yours Truly.

I immediately locked everything and changed my alarm password before I immediately locked myself inside my office as I shakily grabbed my phone and immediately dialed one of the men we all considered as "Dads" in the team.


"Dad?" I stated worriedly as I tried to calm myself down, "Dad can you come here with Papa Z?" I begged.

Princess? What's the matter? Are you okay?

I shook my head as I ran a nervous finger through my hair and started pacing, "No dad, can you" I cleared my throat and sat down on the floor behind my office desk, gathering my knees towards my chest as I chewed on my bottom lip, "can you come here with Papa? Please dad." I pleaded.

Okay, okay, I'll be there in 20. I'll call Zdeno right after you hang up, okay?

I nodded, "Okay dad, thanks" I ended before I disconnected the call and started to silently pray.


Twenty minutes later, I heard my doorbell rang, I quickly picked myself up from the floor and wearily walked towards my front foor and peeked at my window first to check who was by my front door before unlocking it and throwing my arms around Tim Thomas who just hugged me even though I felt his confusion.

"Alright princess, what happened?" he asked me as he escorted me back inside the house and stopped, "Someone has an admirer" he began as he glanced around looking at the flowers before turning towards me grinning.

I sighed as I shook my head and embraced myself, "If only I didn't arrive home and found them already inside my house!" I revealed stopping him from approaching one of the arrangements.

"You found them inside?" he asked and I immediately nodded, to which he immediately frowned upon, "Did you set your alarm before we left for Colorado?" he asked worriedly.

I nodded vehemently, "Yes dad, I did! But apparently they know what my alarm code is and entered my home without my permission!" I hissed.

"Okay, okay" he replied before sitting down at one of my arm chairs, "who gave you-" he ended with a wave around my house motioning for all the flower arrangements.

I huffed aloud and replied, "Chris" without any doubts making him look at me quickly.

"Alright then" he stated loudly as he grabbed his phone and immediately called someone, "Houston we have a problem" he stated frowning, "bring Marchand and Bergeron with you, we need them to guard Andy." he ordered, "We also need additional hands," he paused as he listened carefully, "You'll know why once you arrive." he stated seriously, "Just bring Marchand an Bergy." he ended before he ended the call and made another one, "Hey Seguin, can you drop by Andrea's place? Yeah and I also need you to call the other families, she needs us more than ever." he ended before he paused again to listen, "I'll explain once you got here." he ended and pocketed his phone again.

Twenty minutes later, Dad opened the door for Papa Z, Bergy and Marchy. I was sitting curled on my comfortable sofa with my favorite blanket draped over my legs as I cupped a large mug of mint tea.

"Hey" I greeted the newcomers as they all entered the living room, Papa Z kissed the crown of my head before he sat down across from me.

Bergy followed Papa with a huge teasing smirk on his face, "So who is the unlucky guy?" he asked as he pointed at the hallway where Dad have placed some of the flowers ready to be thrown out.

"Chris" I replied staring down at the insides of my mug.

Marchy immediately turned his face towards me, "The asshole?" he demanded.

"Who else?" I asked as I handed him the card. "I saw that on one of the arrangements." I informed him.

Marchy read the card before passing it around, "So what?" he began, "He asked it to be delivered here after he made sure you came home?" he continued unsure.

"If only that was true" I replied as I released a deep sigh, "I came home earlier with all of those" I motioned towards the hallway "inside my house." I bit out.

Papa frowned, "You did not put alarm on?" he asked.

"No," I replied with a frown of my own, "I always leave my alarm on when I leave my house and the people who came here aside from Chris is Bergy, Marchy and Segs who grabbed some of my things when I stayed with Talbo." I explained.

Dad nodded, "Okay" he began before turning towards the younger men, "did you guys placed the alarm when you left?" he asked.

"I know we did." Bergy stated after a few minutes as he recalled the day he went to my house. "Didn't we?" he asked Marchy.

Marchy shrugged, "It was Segs who turned the alarm as he is the only one who knows the password." he replied.

"What about me?" Segs asked as he entered my home bringing some comfort snacks with him. "And who are the flowers from?" he continued before sitting by my feet, handing the plastic bag to Dad.

I turned to my best friend and asked, "Did you reset my alarm when you left after grabbing some of my things?" I asked.

"Yes" Segs replied immediately, "you have drilled it enough times on my head babe" he continued "1914" he paused before scowling and turning fully towards me, "why, who sent those flowers?" he askedd.

I licked my lips and sighed, "Chris"

"Evans?!" he stated shocked, eyes wide, as I nodded, "Damn, what does he want from you?" he asked, "Let me guess to tell you that what you witnessed is not what it actually looked like?" he ended.

I shrugged before taking a sip of my tea, "I actually do not know." I replied.

"Z, what is the plan here? Because if you leave it up to me, I will bring Andy home." Dad stated after awhile.

Papa sighed, "I asked Bergy to pack a bag" he began, "he would be staying here with Andy for a few days, if Chris do this again then we start an intervention. But until then, I think you have to reset your password and make sure that you always lock your doors and windows." he ended.

"But shouldn't it be me? I mean, I'm her best friend" Segs stated. "Beside I also plan on hanging out with my girl before playoff starts."

Bergy snorted, "Since when did you learn how to fight young man?" he asked smirking.

"Enough, then you two come and stay here for a few days!" Dad stated chidingly, "Since you both wanted to be there for Andy" he ended.

And that was that, it was decided then and there that Seggy and Bergy would be staying with me even if the playoffs starts and this has not been resolved.



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