Chapter 30: Wait, what?

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On the way to Officer Finn McCall's house the apprehension that was simmering beneath my skin resurfaced, thankfully I was riding at the backseat of Papa's car with Bear beside me. When I felt my anxiety is climbing back again, I moved closer towards my man and leaned my forehead against his shoulder trying to regulate my breathing, in and out, in and out, in-hold-out...but then my head started hurting as well the closer we got to his house. I immediately placed a hand on Bear's massive thighs and squeezed them with my nails.

I didn't notice the car stopping, I didn't hear Bear and Papa calling me, all my attention was on the pain that I am currently feeling, I grabbed my head and started screaming in the absolute pain trying to relieve it. Numb from pain, I didn't feel Bear pulling me out of the car just in time for me to vomit violently. After I threw-up numerously, my ears started buzzing before my knees collapsed under me.

- Burs POV -

I was just watching the scenery outside from my side of the car when I suddenly felt Andy slide beside me before placing her head on my shoulder, I thought she was just sleepy as she did not have a peaceful night, but suddenly she started clawing on my thigh, and I knew righ then that something was wrong. Turning to ask her if everything was okay I saw her closing her eyes tightly, like she was in a lot of pain. "Stop the car!" I yelled, "Stop the car!" I repeated as I turned to gather her in my arms, "Hon! Andy!" I called as Chara immediately parked the car at the side of the road. "Andrea, come on baby, come back to me." I begged as I kissed the crown of her head rubbing her back and trying to be the comfort she needed me to be.

"Andrea, sweetheart" I heard Chara open Andy's side of the door and leaning down to check on my lady."Andy, come on sweetheart, come back to us" he softly called as he slid in and rubbed her shoulder comfortingly.

Just then Andy grabbed both sides of her head covering her ears before she started screaming. Zdeno and I shared a look before we both quickly climbed out of the car with me pulling Andy after me. We both heard Weber's rental and Bergeron's car stopping behind us, but we didn't pay them any attention. My attention is on my woman, my fiancée who was screaming bloody murder. Just then Andy stopped screaming as she doubled up and started vomiting, turning my head I saw Roman watching us worriedly, I turned back to my woman to call her back to reality again when she suddenly crumpled down making me immediately catch her. Looking up, I saw the other guys' worried face.

"What is happening to my friend Burish!" Roman demanded from me.

Glaring at the younger man I harshly replied, "Fuck if I know Josi!" I shouted, "This goddamn state has her all out whack and it worries me okay?!" I continued before I cuddled her closer to me as I reached for my hankerchief and wiping her face with it. "Eversince we came to Boston, Andy's been feeling shitty, then last night she also has a violent nightmare or memory, I don't even know, because she met Officer McCall." I told them.

That stopped Josi from yelling back at me, "What do you mean Officer McCall?" Bergy asked softly.

"Andy thinks he was the one who took her the first time she disappeared, right after you asked her to make a decision where to move because you guys wouldn't be leaving her in her home, alone, where you guys know Evans can just waltzed in." I explained.

That made Bergy and Chara pause, "What do you mean first time?" the Bruins Captain asked. "How many times did Andy disappear when she was still living with us?" the Slovak asked.

"Twice, once by an unknown person. Then she was found by Evans' younger brother Scott, then she disappeared yet again only to reappear in Northern California where she finally regained consciousness and finally call you guys to take her home." I told them truthfully.

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