Chapter 26: Family in Danger

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- Burs POV -

Two weeks have already passed since I proposed to my girlfriend, and we have already been back into the hard grind of practice for the new season. As the current reigning Stanley Cup Champions, my team has the biggest targets on our back and Coach Q have been running us ragged. But what can you do eh? This is the life I chose, the life Andy and I chose.

I parked my car on the my parking spot at Johnny's Ice House, another day, another time for another hard hitting practice. Sighing I turned my ignition off before I opened my car and climbed out of it before slamming my door shut and approaching my trunk to grab my gear. After picking up my bags I closed my trunk and hit the automatic lock on my keys before I turned to start walking towards the entrance.

As I was about to get across I heard tires squealing, like somebody is driving like a maniac. I huffed, somebody woke up late. Shaking my head I didn't pay attention to it anymore and just continued on my way. Pushing the door I smiled when I saw Sharpy, Tazer and Soupy waiting for me. "Hey guys!" I greeted them.

"Burs" all three greeted me back with a nod, but right after their attention was placed back on the iPad Tazer was holding, and all three was frowning at whatever they are looking at.

Frowning, I took a step forward, "Anything interesting?" I asked.

"No, nothing interesting." Jon replied quickly as he immediately turned his gadget off before giving the other two men a hard look. "How's Andy?" he asked.

I shrugged, "Same as always, busy with work and planning our wedding." I replied watching my Captain closely, "Jon?" I called him as I did not like his facial expression, and that is saying something as Jon only has one, and that is a permanent bitch face.

"Evans did something, again" Jon replied with a deep sigh as he unlocked his gadget again and handed it to me, "I don't want to trouble you with this because I know it would just redirect the strategy Sid has already informed us." he continued "I just want to inform you so that you can protect  Andy because I had to talk Jamie out of murdering him." he ended.

Now with what Jonny was saying I am becoming more curious and worried. Looking down at the iPad screen, my eyes widened to what I have read. This is such bullshit! Andy would surely throw the gauntlet if she learns about this! 'Former Bruins player Tyler Seguin and Current Bruins player Patrice Bergeron accused of assault and battery to Hollywood actor, Chris Evans' wife Andy Hawk' looking up I saw the worried looks of my teammates, "Did he finally do what he have been threatening Andrea in the first place? Did he finally filed a lawsuit?" I asked "How is the kid and Bergeron?" I continued before remembering the only person Jonny is worried about, "How did Kaner react?" I asked.

"Kaner is not here, he told Q and Bowman that he would be flying to Dallas to be with Segs." Jonny sighed as he scrubbed a hand on his face, "Segs is being detained by the Dallas Police, and Marchand told me that Boston Police entered their closed practice without any warrant and asked Bergy to come with them." he revealed. "It is happening Burs. The only thing that made Andy meet him in the first place is finally happening." he paused as he shook his head in disgust.

I blew out a breath and shook my head in anger, "Didn't he threaten my woman that he would do this if he found out that she stepped back into the US soil?" I asked as Sharpy and Jon nodded, "She's been here for the past two and half years, what changed?"

"Do you want me to answer that?" Soupy asked with a frown.

Shaking my head I replied, "No, but just because she's getting married to me doesn't mean that he have to make his threat true!" I ended but then a thought slipped my mind "But the fans wouldn't believe the accusations because we have someone that could make this all go away!" I told them as a plan formed in my head.

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