Chapter 27: Back where it all started

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Standing outside of the house I occupied when I was just starting to get my roots planted here in the US made me remember the happy, exciting times I had here in Boston. I glanced at the Volvo parked at the car park before looking at my man and my friends who were just standing on the sidelines waiting for my next move. Swallowing the water in my mouth, I started walking up the familiar front porch where Segs and I used to spend our time together reminding me why I am doing this in the first place, coming back to this county, this city, this state.

I took a deep breath before I raised my hand to knock on the door, I don't know who is the new tenant or property owner, but I need to check this house again, try to jog my memory for my best friend and friend sake. I knocked twice more before the friendly face of Mrs Johnston appeared, "How may I help you?" she asked me.

"Mrs Johnston?" I asked with a soft smile on my face, "I don't know if you remember me? I used to rent the house three years ago?" I told her hoping to jog her memory a little bit.

The older woman froze for a second before a knowing smile appeared on her face, "Andrea?" she asked me.

"Yes, Mrs Johnston, how are you?" I replied.

She opened the door widely as she stood to the side welcoming me inside her house, "Come in, come in sweetheart, how have you been?" she stated as I walked in being immediately followed by Bear, Josi and Webs.

"Life's been good for the past few years Mrs Johnston" I told her as I reached for Bear's hands. "How are you though? I thought you would be permanently moving to California to be closer to your family." I asked her.

She sighed as she raised her hands, "I did then I remember why I moved so far away from them in the first place. Have a seat, have a seat" she then motioned at the L-shaped couch to which we immediately occupied. "So what are you doing here back in Massachusetts? Your friend Jordan, such a very nice young man, said that you were moving to Chicago?" she asked me.

"Yes I did, I moved to Chi-Town when a better opportunity opened for me." I told her before turning towards my companions, "Oh yes, Mrs Johnston let me introduce you to my fiancé Adam Burish," I then smiled at my man who just smiled and greeted the older woman, "and my closest friends Roman Josi and Shea Weber." before I continued pointing at the men who greeted the older woman too.

Mrs Johnston was taken aback by the news I told her, "You're engaged?" she asked me to which I immediately nodded, "Well congratulations are in order then," she continued "and sweetheart I told you call me Jen." she ended.

"Sorry Jen" I told her making her smile, "but to answer your question, I'm back here because I need to look for some answers or clues to help me help some of my friends that were accused wrongly, and I thought coming back here would help with that." I explained.

Jen frowned at that, "What do you mean?" she asked.

"Mrs Johnston" Shea began, "have you heard about the Bruins players being accused of assault and battery?" he continued as he leaned forward.

Jen nodded, "Yes, the rookie that got traded in Dallas, what was his name again," she paused as she tried to remember the name, "oh yeah Tyler Seguin and Brad Marchand?" she asked.

"It's Patrice Bergeron, ma'am" Shea corrected, "you see they are our friends and they are being accused of a horrible crime that they didn't even commit in the first place." he continued.

Jen nodded before turning towards me, "But what does it concern you?" she asked.

"I was the alleged victim." I informed her truthfully.

Jen was shocked at that, "You were the victim and yet you are helping the accused?" she asked.

"Yes" I replied straightforwardly, "because I know they did not do it to me." I told her, "I just need to see if something can help us here in this house." I informed her.

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