Chapter 29: Officer McCall

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That night, as Bear and I entered Papa Z's guestroom the feeling of apprehension when my eyes met the gruff policeman that is with my best friend still hasn't left me. My skin was prickling as my stomach became queasy. Sighing I laid back on the comfortable bed with my eyes tightly closed, I blew out a breath and started to meditate, just try to get myself to relax. Inhale, exhale, and repeat.

Just then the adjoining bathroom opened and I heard Bear step out before I heard the rustle of clothes being put on, before I heard his footsteps approaching me then the bed creaking underneath his weight as he finally sat beside me. I then turned my attention elsewhere, the hum of the AC, the soft noise the TV is making down the hall, everything else beside the uneasiness inside me.

Just then I felt Bear place his hand on my thigh making me jerk up with wild eyes, "Easy" he whispered as he pulled me into his arms, "easy I got you, breathe." he ordered as I tried to calm myself down. "Breathe with me hon" he continued as he tried to breathe slowly, repeating it before I finally copied him making me finally relax and release the tension in my body. "Alright hon, that's it." he whispers before kissing my head. "What has gotten you so tense?" he asked as I finally pulled back releasing my hair from the tight ponytail I placed it for the day.

"I just" I began before running my fingers on my hair, "I just feel so uneasy when I saw the policeman's eyes, like I know who he is, like I met him somewhere else and not just the station." I ended as I looked at him with weary and tensed eyes.

Bear nodded, "I'm here and I'm not going to let you out of my sight. Just like I promised Seguin, we'll finish everything that is needed to be done here, then we'll come home to Chicago." he informed me, "You'll never have to come back in this place." he promised me before he laid a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Thanks bear" I softly told him before I climbed out of bed and grabbed my bathroom essentials and my sleepwear before entering the bathroom to get myself clean. But the unsettled feeling came back to me, I just feel so unsafe eventhough I am with my man and Papa Z. Shaking my head I inhaled deeply before I started removing my clothes and turning on the shower making it into the right temperature before stepping under it to wash everything off.

After taking a quick shower, I immediately put on my sleeping clothes and dried my hair before stepping out into the bedroom, releasing another deep breath, I pulled up the comforter on my side of the bed and climbed in before snuggling into my man's arms. I felt Bear sleepily kiss my head before I returned the gesture and kissing his chest before I closed my eyes to get some sleep.

Suddenly at the middle of the night while everything was quiet, my subconsciousness suddenly told me to open my eyes, so eventhough my eyelids are still heavy of sleep, I slowly cracked them open and was midscream when I found a huge body ontop of me, they immediately placed a hand on my mouth silencing my scream, I glanced to my side to see if Bear was disturbed by what is happening but instead I saw an empty space.

My eyes went back to the huge man over me with the intense green eyes, like the policeman that is guarding my best friend, my body was frozen in fright! I thought that I was safe, that sleeping beside Bear would mean that I am out of harm. I then saw him move closer and I started to fight back, pushing him away trying to escape when I felt his hot breath against my cheek before I heard his gruff voice, "I'm sorry, but mistress Dawn promised me that she'll play with me if I do this for her. I'm sorry, I'm sorry" he whispered before I finally ran out of oxygen.

"Andy! God damn it babe!" I heard Bear call out to me panicking as he pushed my chest forcefully, "breathe for me god damn it." he stated as he opened my mouth and gave me CPR before pumping my chest again. I took in a deep breath and immediately sat up making me dizzy, I glanced around looking for the man but I only saw Bear's concerned eyes. "You're okay, you're okay" I heard him whisper as he rubbed my back as he tucked my face against his neck, "you're okay, you're okay" he chanted as I finally breathe with him.

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