Chapter Nine: Second Act

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It was already midnight, the first day that Bergy and Segs would be staying in my place, sighing as sleep hasn't claimed me yet, I sat up in bed and grabbed my laptop from my bedside table trying to complete the chapter of the book I am helping write. After awhile, I glanced at my clock and released a deep sigh, deciding to make some tea, I climbed out of my bed and gently opened the door before silently walking down the stairs and towards my kitchen.

Picking up my tea kettle from it's place, I filled it up with tap water before walking towards my stove and starting it up. I once again approached my cup board and took my favorite mug and placing it on the counter and opening another cabinet to take my favorite midnight tea fix from the cupboard and putting it in my mug, yawning I turned off the kettle then poured it into my mug.

Picking up my cup, I began to walk back towards the stairs when I froze, something inside me felt like there was something wrong, I looked around my kitchen before I decided to check on my doors and windows, when I saw it. My garage door, that was connected to my kitchen was unlocked. I stared at it horrified because I KNOW, I locked it before we all came upstairs to sleep, Segs double checked it even!

Doubling back, I placed my mug down the island and immediately walking towards the back staircase, never mind being silent, I ran up the stairs and turned my head quickly making sure that nobody was following me.

I decided to come back to my room and just try to make myself drowsy when I bumped into something, not expecting it, I released a loud scream not caring if I wake up the god damn neighborhood!

"Hey, hey, it's just me" Segs stated in a calming tone as he wrapped his arms around me, tucking my face on the crook of his shoulder he rubbed my back as I started tearing up, "ssh, it's just me" he repeated trying to calm me down.

Hearing footsteps closing in on us, I started to freeze once again as fear tried to claim me again, "Hey guys, what are you" yawn "doing standing here?" Bergy asked as he stood beside us, sleepily.

"I heard the stairs creak" Segs explained as he continued calming me down. "I decided to check it out, then Andy bumped into me and started screaming." he then looked down at me, "Babe can you please tell me what got you so freaked out?" he asked.

I took a deep breath and pulled away from Segs arms, licking my dried lips, I replied, "I was in the kitchen because I cannot sleep, so I decided to make tea, I was on my way back upstairs when I felt something is amiss" wiping my tears I continued, "I looked around and saw the door leading to the garage was open" licking my lips again, I released a shuddering breath before continuing, "I know that I locked it up before we come upstairs, you even double checked it!" I ended.

"I did" Segs replied positively, sharing a look with Bergy, they both decided to check it out "stay here Andy, we'll check it out, okay?" he said as he stepped away from me and they walked down the stairs.

Looking around, I decided to follow them, I do not want to be left alone just yet. As I arrived in the kitchen I saw Segs frowning, "What is it?" I asked nervously.

"It was locked," Segs stated as he turned towards me, "are you sure you saw it unlocked?" he confirmed.

I nodded and sat down litless, "I am sure!" I shouted, "I know what I saw Segs!" I confirmed tearful.

"We know Andy," Bergy stated, "but the alarm was active and if someone even tried to come in through this door then the alarm would have sounded off." he explained to me in a comforting manner.

I huffed, "So are you saying that I am paranoid?" I demanded at him with wide eyes.

"Andy" Segs began as he sat down beside me placing an arm at the back of my seat, "what you are going through is not easy, and you haven't been sleeping, what Bergy is telling you, is that maybe, just maybe you are just seeing something that wasn't there." he argued calmly, "You Filipinos even have a word for it right? Something like kisap mata?"

I huffed and nodded slowly, "Malik mata, you mean" I corrected him. "Maybe you guys are right" I agreed pressing the heel of my palms into my eyes, "I just need to sleep and not think about this, about what he would do next." I ended.

"Yep," Bergy agreed as he placed my reheated mug of tea in front of me, "we all need to go back upstairs and sleep" he stated before sipping into his own cup.

Segs smiled at me in concern, "I could always just sleep beside you?" he offered.

"Thanks guys" I told them gratefully before turning to my best friend, "I would like that" I confirmed before we all went back upstairs and returned to our rooms with Segs following me, in mine.


A few hours later, I yawned and stretched out after sitting up, glancing at my platonic bed partner, I tucked the blanket around my best friend who was still sound asleep. I carefully climbed out of bed and started my morning routine.

After that I walked down the stairs and into my kitchen to prepare breakfast, checking the door again, I find it unlocked once again, thinking that Bergy was just jogging around the compound, I didn't think about it anymore and took the ingredients out for our breakfast.

I was so focused on cooking the bacon and eggs when suddenly arms wrapped around my waist, thinking that it was just my best friend, I smiled and greeted him, "Good Morning"

"Good Morning babe, what's for breakfast" I froze when instead of hearing Segs' voice, I heard my ex-boyfriend's voice behind me. "You okay?" he asked as he hooked his chin over my shoulder.

I gulped and held the spatula tightly, "What are you doing here Chris?" I asked him trying not to scream for my best friend.

"You didn't call or even reply to my texts, I also found out that you have blocked my number." he stated as he turned his head to start laying kisses on my neck, "Why did you do that babe?" he asked as he tightened his hold on me.

I turned the stove off as to not burn our food, "The moment you started cheating on me Chris, is the moment you lost every right to ask me that." I explained as I tried to get out of his hold, "Let me go Evans!" I cried out loudly.

"Why would I do that?" he demaded, "You are ignoring me!" he stated loudly as I finally was released from his hold. Striding towards the other end of the kitchen.

Wrapping my arms in my midsection, I bit my lip as I turned my head away, "Why wouldn't I ignore you?" I asked as tears started to fall down from my eyes, "Why wouldn't I block you? You have hurt me so much!" I informed him, "You are violating me, my personal space!" I quickly added not knowing that we already have an audience.

"How the fuck did you get in?" Bergy asked as the silence between me and Chris lengthened.

Segs clenched his jaw as he glared at the other man before calling me, "Andy" stretching his hand out to me. Quickly grabbing it I let myself be wrapped in comforting arms.

"Answer me Evans, how the fuck did you get in?!" Bergy demanded loudly as he stood in between us.

Chris frowned, "Who the fuck are you and what the fuck are you doing here in my girlfriend's place?" he demanded back.

"We're none of your fucking business!" Segs replied, "Just answer the fucking question!" he yelled.

Chris shook his head, "Why would I answer your fucking question?" he replied before turning towards me, "I'll be back next time these assholes are not here." he stated before he walked out using the door that was leading into the garage.

"Fuck" Bergy cursed before he ran up the stairs to most probably inform the team of what transpired just now.

Shaking and crying I buried my head into my best friend's chest, "Everything would be alright Andy, I swear, everything would be alright soon enough." he whispers as he kissed the crown of my head.



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