Chapter Seventeen: Sweet Treats

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Opening the hotel room that I would be staying in, I sighed and took a step forward before freezing, I glanced down and saw a piece of paper slid inside the gap of my door, frowning, I bent down and picked it up before glancing behind me to see if I could see the person who left it there, but to no avail.

Releasing another deep sigh, I took my phone and took a picture of the folded paper and sent it to my best friends, I wouldn't even dare opening it without a witness. I came inside my hotel, locking it securely behind me and placing the paper on the bedside table between the twin beds, I sat down on mine before laying flat on my back.

Why can't he just let me be? I silently thought, he is handsome, one of the great men I know personally, why can't he just let me go? my thoughts continued. Chris, not letting me go, is boggling my mind. He is everything that a woman could ask for when I first met him, when I first introduced him to my friends and my family, when I first met his family, and now? When did he start being like this? Closing my eyes I prayed that answers can finally come to me.

Just then I heard my roommate open the hotel door and quickly closing it behind them, opening my eyes slightly, I smiled and sat up, "So, you are my roommate for the duration of this weekend?" I asked.

Roman softly laughed and nodded, "Yep" he replied as he placed his things ontop of the bed before approaching the bedside table and sitting at the edge of his bed opposite me, "Is this it?" he asked.

"Yes" I quickly replied, "I just don't have a clue where and who is following me." I released a deep sigh again, "When will this end?" I ended.

Roman sighed as he stood-up from his seat and transferred beside me before we both laid our backs down and stared at the ceiling with me using one of his arms as a pillow, "I don't have any idea, Andy, but I wish that it will stop." he then turned towards me, "I want you safe and most especially this psychological torture to end." he then leaned his head against mine. "Do you want me to read this?" he asked as he raised the folded paper.

"Please" I begged as I turned to my side and curled around him as I placed my hand on his chest.

Roman huffed and cleared his throat as he slowly opened the letter, and read it aloud;


I know that you want all of this to end. That you just want me to tell you what I want. Well I have a condition for you, and I hope that you will follow through. Meet me at Sweet Treats in Madison Street, tomorrow at 9. Bring no one, not Seguin, not Kane or any of your friends or I will finally inform the Boston Police of Bergeron and Seguin's involvement of your beating and disappearance. Let's sit down and discuss this like adults.

Yours Truly.

He then clenched his jaw before looking down at me, "Please tell me you're not going" he stated firmly.

Sitting upside again, I sighed, "Getting the police involve and probably jeopardizing everyone's career" I laid my left palm up, "meeting him to end this once and for all." I then laid my right palm up and made a seesaw motion before turning towards him, "What do you think I would choose?" I turned to ask him as I slightly raised my right hand. "For everybody's sake, I would go and meet him tomorrow." I told him. "And no, you can't go with me." I ended.

Roman frowned as he also sat right-up, "I just don't feel that it's right for you to meet him, alone, Andy." he replied as he stared down at the letter.

"I know" I told him as I placed a hand on his knee, "but if you are in my position Rome, what will you choose? Will you choose to save the friends that have stood beside you when this all started, or choose to end this and probably make some choices that will not make everyone happy?" I asked him, "I am standing between a rock and a very hard place, I know it is not fun or not even right for me to choose, but I will choose the right one, Rome, the right one for everybody's sake." I told him as we turned to face each other.

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