Chapter 22: Romantic Night for 2

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That night, I didn't know whether to approach my man or just let him be, because I know that we are okay, that everything between us is good. I nibbled on my bottom lip distractedly before I decided that fuck it and grabbed my phone and composed a message for my man.

To: 🐻37
Fr: AndyBandy
Hey love! We haven't spoken all day, are you okay?

There! Short and simple. He'll have to reply to me if he is not okay right? Well hopefully he would or else I would drive myself overthinking about an issue that is never there in the first place. That's me the Queen of Overthinking. Sigh.

Fr: 🐻37
To: AndyBandy
Yes love, we're okay. Don't worry I'm fine.

I was about to reply once again when he sent me another message.

Fr: 🐻37
To: AndyBandy
On another note, can you meet me by the beach?

To: 🐻37
Fr: AndyBandy

Fr: 🐻37
To: AndyBandy
You'll immediately see where I am. ❤

Okay. So meet him by the beach and he doesn't want to give me any ideas where. Fine! I will get lost half the night looking for him! With a nod, I climbed out of the recliner I was lying on and made sure I had my phone and key with me before grabbing a light jacket and stepping out of my cottage. I locked my door and turned around when I saw a lone long stemmed blue rose on my floorboard, looking around, I cautiously picked it up before I saw the card that was attached on the stem.

I didn't think that falling in-love was easy, but you made it easy for me. ❤🐻

Smiling, I continued walking and found a path that was being lit up by small candles, I can't remove the smile on my face. I never knew my man to be this romantic. I'm not saying that he is not romantic on any given day, but this is going beyond what I expected of him.

I was just continuing on my way when a huge man stepped forward handing me another rose. He was familiar to me, "Kuya?" I asked.

My cousin nodded silently before he stepped back, frowning in bewilderment I looked down at my rose again and smiled when I saw another card.

If I had to choose: my best day ever, my finest hour, my wildest dream come true. Mine would be you. ❤🐻

I wiped the stray tear that fell from my eyes, shaking my head in disbelief. My cousin just huffed out a laugh and hugged me tightly before pushing me to continue on my way. A few steps again and another person approached me handing me another blue rose. I laughed when I saw that it was another one of my cousin.

"You're lucky" she whispered to me as she hugged me before she stepped back.

I nodded, "I think it's finally sinking in how much." I told her as I read the note once again.

1 Universe, 9 Planets, 204 Countries, 809 Islands, 7 Seas and I have the privilege of meeting you. Lucky me. ❤🐻

If I continue on receiving roses and little notes like this, I don't think I will ever survive this night in one piece. Hugging my cousin again, I continued on my way and received five more, and the notes gets cheesier and cheesier and my eyes were not dry anymore.

I thought that it was almost over when lo and behold, my younger sister Reian stepped forward to hand me another one. I pulled my sister towards me and hugged her tighter because if my gut instinct is correct, the last four will come from my immediate family.

"Ate" my sister whined before I laughingly stepped back and received my rose, "almost there" she told me as she hugged me once more.

I looked down on the note and can't help but smile widely at it, as it read:

You're my favorite pain in the ass. ❤🐻

Laughing, I hugged my younger sister once again as I continued walking and stepped out my younger brother who immediately handed me my rose and a fist, for our fist bump.

"He is lucky to have one of the best women I know." My brother told me which made me cry again and made me pull him for a tight hug. "I hope he knows not to make you cry." he continued as a whisper.

Biting my lip I pulled back and smiled, "I think he knows." I told him before I read the note that is with the rose again.

Love is not about finding someone you can live with. It's about finding someone you can't live without. I think I finally found mine. ❤🐻

Sniffing I continued on my way, and I saw just about was a set up, but it was empty, maybe I have to receive the last two roses before I can see my man again. Just as I finish that thought, my mother stepped forward and handed me another rose.

"He is everything I prayed that you will find when the right time comes." my mother said as I broke down and hugged her. In her arms I found a small comfort before whatever I think will happen, happens. "Now go, he is waiting." my mom said as she dried my tears before kissing my cheeks.

I nodded and continued walking, I stopped to take a breath before continuing on when my Papa stepped forward with his arms open. "Papa" I sobbed as I stepped forward and into his arms.

"He is worthy to be the man that I give my oldest to." my father whispered to my ear before he handed me my last rose and pushed me forward as my mom stepped beside him. Here is the couple that made me believe in forever, that with the right person I can be happy. Smiling I looked forward to my future and with the blessing of my father, I walked towards the place where I saw my man holding another bouquet of blue roses.

"What is this about?" I asked as I hugged him tightly.

Bear just looked down at me before looking up and nodding at my parents. "Well you see, there is someone, I think you know her." he began. "She is amazing! She has a strong heart, a wonderful mind, the most beautiful smile that I ever see in someone's face." he continued as he tipped my chin up making me smile widely at him. "There she is" he whispered as he tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear "there is the woman I love." he paused making me cry harder and smile wider. "You know what is the first thing that came into my mind that day we met?" he asked me.

Shaking my head I replied, "No, what?"

"There you are, I've been looking all over for you" he began with a huff as I saw Bear's eyes gets misty "then you started to ramble and all I can think of is, I hope everyday I can hear you talk about things you feel passionate about, and I did and I hope I still do." he then cupped my face between his hands and continued "You make my heart smile Andrea, and do you know what I am thinking right now?" he asked as I shook my head negatively and asked him a soft 'what?' which made him smile "All that you are, is all that I will ever need." which made me cry even harder as he kissed my lips before he took the bouquets from me and placed it on the table beside us before he grabbed my hands as he knelt down on one knee. Kissing both of my hands he looked up at me and asked, "Aking minamahal (my love), will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" he asked.

I nodded at him furiously pulling him up as I cupped his face and finally gave him the answer he is waiting for, "Yes, yes, a thousand times yes Adam Mark Burish." he laughed as happy tears fell from our eyes as he finally pulled out the ring from his pocket and placed it on my hand before we shared our first kiss as an engaged couple.


Author's Note:
Guys! Don't worry, I know that we have an unfinished business with C.Evans, I promise I haven't forgotten about it. But Andrea is finally engaged! Yes! But the question is this, why isn't Tyler proposing to Alisson yet?! The answer to that question is. I don't even know! Haha.. I'm rambling, go on and read the next chapter!

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