Chapter #1- Prologue- Where I wasn't accepted by my Mate.

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Chapter #1 (Prologue)- Where I wasn't accepted by my Mate.

(Edited- 21/05/2017)

It all actually started when I was eight.

Now I know what you are thinking... it started when you were eight? Seriously?

Kids these days....

And you thinking that is totally justified.

Because you are probably a human. You could be a supernatural too, for all I know....

And I am not.

I am a werewolf.

And I had my first shift into my beautiful wolf, Selene, when I was eight.

Now... normally, pups shift into their wolf when they are about five years old, but you could say I was a late bloomer. Which isn't unheard of...

Just saying! In case you thought I was a freak...

So back to the story, I got my wolf when I was eight... and despite being a late bloomer, I found my Mate the day I shifted.

We werewolves, usually find our mates, our other halves, the one we are destined to be with, before a she-wolf goes into her first heat, which happens when she turns thirteen.

So me finding my mate at my first shift... when I was just eight, was just awesome!

When I first saw him, I was butt naked, having just shifted back from my wolf to my human self, and scouting the woods for that hidden stash of clothes that my pack kept for us... in case of emergencies.

Like this.

Mum had my dress, but since I had ran away from them to the woods, for my first run as a wolf, I was vulnerable. Kinda.

It was his smell that hit me first, fresh pine and woodsy, all hail to werewolf hightened senses! and with Selene chanting in my head *Mate! Find Mate!* like a mantra, I had no other choice but to confront him, sans my clothes.

It was his blue eyes that clashed with mine first, but seeing my naked state they turned Neon blue, which in wolf training, I had learnt indicated that his wolf was on surface besides him. He looked to be about 12-13 with freckles dusting the bridge of his nose and cheekbones.

Besides his eyes, I noticed his height, which was taller than other pre-teenagers his age, and his lips, which were pressed in a firm line... Was he displeased? I did not know... but I was about to find out.

Wait. I knew him already! How the hell had I missed that important detail? Perhaps because I was seeing him in an all new light today, as he was my Mate, destined to be mine, but I knew him.

Zeus! Everybody knew him! He was Alpha Ashton's son.

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