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Before y'all start reading, please note- this conversation really did take place. It took place sometime after Del and Lys marked each other and no, Del and Lys barely know what their wolves are up to.

This (conversation and all) happens because they are werewolves. So not only their human sides have to be together, but their wolves too. And these wolves appreciate privacy as much as us. So their hosts (which in case of Ash and Sel are Lys and Del) cannot listen to their chats.

Hope that makes sense.

Also, I am typing this chapter at 7: 30 in the morning, hence my brain is not functioning properly. Hence, Asher is portrayed more as a love sick fool than he is. Maybe. With Ash you never know... ;)

Also, this part is smaller than any other, because it is an extra extra... ya know?

And... when I upload Alpha Ulysses' Interview, Asher will be a part of it too!!

10ammu you asked and I delivered 💕


Sel: You know Ash, Del, my host, is a bitch. Not in the literal sense, of course, but in the... you know what I mean, don't you? (Stares at the blond wolf sitting by her side intently)

Ash: (grins that sly wolf grin of his that makes his prey pray to the Almighty) I know what you mean, my Selene.

Sel: (Ignoring how he tends to be poetic at times, rhyming words just because he can...) and your host, Ulysses is an asshole.

Ash: You seem to speak exactly what I am thinking, my dear thing.

Sel: (Once again ignores the rhyming thing, kind of used to it already) You have to know that I wanted to reach out to you as soon as she added sleeping pills to Lys' drink... but you were already slipping away into la la land.

Ash: (Stares at her with eyes mirroring all his emotions. Betrayal standing out more than others) you could have called out to me and I would have fought the haze of the drugs for you.

Sel: Ash...

Ash: What hurt me most was that when Lys woke up, and I got back to consciousness, I tried contacting you. I tried calling out to you... but you were blocking me. I begged you to come back, to reassure me everything is okay, that you are fine... but you didn't do that, did you my Selene?

Sel: It was all Del, I swear! I told you she is a bit-

Ash: Really? Please tell me how does Delilah control what you do? How can that beautiful human host of yours order you to block me? (Huffs)

Sel: Fine! Fine... I wanted to find out what was happening with my brother's host too. All of his heavy emotions were weighing down on me as much as Del. (Her tone turns from fiercely defensive to sad in a matter of seconds) Did you know that Spade hasn't had a good conversation with me for the past 6 months or so?

A/N: Spade is Hayden's wolf in case you forgot.

Ash: (starts feeling guilty)

Sel: We were so close... whenever he used to come to London, the two of us would talk for hours. He'd tell me all about you and Lys. He has always been there for me and now that I know what he is going through, it pains me so much (Stares in the river at her own reflection. Thankful that wolves' tears are not as visible as much as human tears are.)

Ash: (Gets up and walks towards Sel. Rubs his body on hers) My Selene.... Trust Lys, he will make things alright in a matter of time.

Sel: (snorts) Yeah, right.

Ash: Selene-

Sel: If anyone is going to make it all right, it is going to be Delilah. (Loves Del more than she is willing to let on)

Ash: (Fiercely) I trust Lys.

Sel: Good luck with that. That asshole knew about Hayden and Becca's condition all this time, and he didn't do a thing. Not a thing.

Ash: But-

Sel: Del came to know about it only recently and she is off to hunt that human bitch already.

Ash: Lys is with her!

Sel: Because he cannot stay far away from her! Or else that selfish asshole-

Ash: (Realises his host is more of an asshole than he is and decides it is time to change the topic) Why are we talking about them anyway? I am here with you, it's a beautiful day... let's play tag! (His voice turns darker with carnal intent)

Sel: (Wonders if her mate is bipolar) Sure.

Ash: Run, my Selene. I am it!

(The look in Asher's eyes makes her run with anticipation. Her paws barely touch the ground as she runs as fast as her paws can bare, wanting to give her mate a heartfelt chase.

Asher runs after his mate with only one thought in mind- It sucks so bad that we wolves can't mate until our hosts do. I just hope Ulysses gets on with it already and mates with Delilah so I can have my Selene...

He catches up with his mate and prances on top of her, covering her brown fur with his creamy one as he stares directly in her eyes. The blue in her eyes are prominent and radiating with desire and he curses Lys once more before licking his mate all over her face, wishing he could do so much more than that...

When Ash gets off her and they lay side by side, facing each other, their muzzles touching, Sel promises herself that she will do whatever it takes to make sure Del mates with Lys ASAP. Even if that means playing dirty. Asher and she will no longer hold back because of them two wimps).



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