Chapter #36- Blood Turns Her Off.

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Chapter #36- Blood turns her off.


(😮Readers gape after checking the POV 😮)

(Edited- 22/05/2017)

I stare mutely as my Mate talks with the vampires.


Even the fucking word leaves a wile taste in my mouth...

We've never had a vampire on our land for the past 100 years or more...

And now they are.

My warriors are worried. I can feel it. They don't feel very safe right now. It is making me uneasy... I feel shitty. Like I have let them down somehow.

When Reynolds, my head warrior had mind-linked me this morning, I was in a heated discussion with Olivia.

She was insisting that my Mate did not know about the whole 'You should complete the Mate bond only after you are in love with your Mate'.

I kept on telling her to mind her own business and fuck off, but she kept on pestering me to go and apologize to Delilah.

Apologize for what?

For trying my best to make things work between the two of us?

For being a male werewolf who would like to have a pup?

For being born as the son of the Alpha whose whole fucking bloodline is cursed?

What the fuck am I supposed to apologize to her for?!

And though I knew that it was an honest mistake on her part, how could I let it slide?

I am her Mate. But I am also an Alpha!

It is my duty to protect my pack and continue my bloodline so that there is no threat from other packs and species alike.

And now, thanks to my beloved Mate, things are screwed beyond repair.

Asher was silent, almost as if trying to figure out a way out of it, or even find a loophole maybe... and before I could probe him for his thoughts, we got mind linked.

I was taken aback for a few minutes. My mind not willing to register what we'd been told, and when it finally registered, I was confused.

Keeping their distance for more than a century, what work did they have here now?!

Olivia wanted to come with me, as she is a warrior too, but I asked her to stay back. Stay back and protect my Mate. Like I had been training her to do for the past 5 years.

"Why are you all here Reese?" She asks the vampire who I assume was leading the trespassing group.

My warriors are waiting for my signal, they are all holding back. They want to kill each and every one of these uninvited leeches, but I know better.

If even a single person dies here, the peace that my family has been keeping with the vampires will shatter. It will shatter and then, war will be inevitable.

"Crown Prince Taggart is missing" He says with clenched teeth and my Mate smiles sharply.

"So?" She cocks her head to the side.

"My Queen thought he had come here" he hisses.


"We are sent to bring him back" he says tightly.

"Oh, I see!" My Mate clicks her fingers and then says, "Take a look in my brain, Reese. Come on. Take a look and you will see that I haven't seen that ass for more than six months" She rolls her eyes.

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