Chapter #37- Who is Taggart to Me?

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Before you start reading...

I realized that even though I keep mentioning that Del is in heat, I don't make a big deal out of it, when it is actually supposed to be a big deal.

So I made this chapter a little naughty... to create a heat-ish atmosphere 😶

Now read!

Chapter #37- Who is Taggart to Me?

(Edited- 22/05/2017)

"Wait, so you are telling me you did not even know he was a vampire when you first met him?!" Alpha Ulysses asks, and though I cannot see his face right now, I can only guess that his eyesbrows are raised.

"Damn you! If you interrupt me once again I won't continue the story, fuck the deal" I punch the ground in frustration.

Let's just say I hate telling this story and Alpha Ulysses is not the best listener out there.

"Fine. But can you please turn around already? It is weird listening to you without seeing your face" He groans and I shake my head no.

Is he insane?

"Hell no!"

"Are you sure, Mate?" He asks his voice kinda amused.

"As sure as- Oh my Moon!" I gasp as I see him standing in front of me. In all his naked glory.

I didn't even hear him stand...

And my...

I try to close my eyes and not stare at his legs and what is hung between them, but it seems like my eyes have a mind of their own.

Holy Moon. He is huge!

"My eyes are up here, Mate" He teases, though I see that little him (or not so little in his case) is liking my attention a little too much. It is standing like a rod and I lick my lips.

"But what interests me is down here" I breathe out and he groans.


"You should go and put on some clothes" I force the words out of my mouth but now that I have seen him, I realize that it will be a shame if he covers it.

"Mind outta the gutter, Mate!" He says, though his voice is thicker... huskier now.

I peel my eyes (I literally have to force them off the sight they are feasting on) off his salami and look in his eyes to see that they are the darkest shade of blue.

"Maybe we can skip on the story, Alpha... and do something more... engaging" I lick my lips (how come they are getting so dried?) and my eyes trail their way back south, taking in each and every bump and curve of his masculine body.

He is a beautiful man...

"We are not skipping this story for anything, Mate" He hisses and sits down on the ground, folding his legs in Indian style.

"I won't be able to do anything buy stare at you" I whine out my confession, not even bothering to be embarrased.

I mean I am in Heat...

'You'd have the same reaction to his glorious body even if you were not in heat' Sel sneers and I frown.

'Did I not block you out?'

'You forgot to do that, dumb-'

I block her.

Thanks for reminding me, Sel.

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