Chapter #34- A trip down the memory lane. (Part 1)

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Chapter #34- A trip down the memory lane

[Part 1- Sugar and Spice]

(Edited- 21/05/2017)

Olivia stares at me with sympathetic eyes, and I give her a blank look in return.

She looks conflicted, like she doesn't know what to do, and after contemplating her options, she stands.

"I have to discuss a couple of things with Ulysses, Luna. I'll be right back?" She makes it sound like a question, as if she is asking for my permission to leave and go to my Mate, but I don't say anything.

I give her the same blank look I've been giving her since the past 10 minutes.

She sighs and starts to leave.

Once she has reached the door, she stops and turns towards me.

"You know he is hurt, right? That's the only reason he is being an asshole to you" Are her parting words to me as she shuts the door.


My ringing phone is the one that pulls me out of my thorough inspection of the wall.

My eyes sting as I accept the call without looking at the caller ID.

"Delilah!" I wipe at my eyes, wondering why they are stinging so bad.

"Hellooo? Hello? HELLO?! ANYONE THERE?!"

I recognize Mel's voice and rub my forehead, fighting a headache.

"Yes, Mel?"

"Oh so you are there..."

"If you've called to get updates on whether the Alpha and I made it through the night, the answer is, yes. Yes, we are both fucking alive" I deadpan.

"What? Of course you are both alive, bitch. That hunk wouldn't have let anything happen to you, duh" I can almost picture her flipping her hair, and I don't know why, but the stinging in my eyes increase.

"Did you see the memories?! Did you two did the deed?" She asks her voice high pitched.

I start crying.

"Mel!" I wail, seemingly can't keep it all together anymore.

"Del? Del are you crying?!" She sounds panicked now and I sniff.


"Are you crying out of happiness or sadness? Can you pelase specify? I thought after seeing the memories you wouldbe on cloud 9...." she trails off, unsure.

What memories?

"I messed up, Mel. I messed up big time..." I see my reflection in the mirror. The girl staring back at me looks pathetic.

Her hair is all over the place. Her eyes are puffy. There are tear marks on her cheeks. And her lower lip looks like someone has castrated it.

"You messed up? What are you talking about?" She sounds confused.

I narrate what Olivia had told me to her and she lets out a sigh.

"You haven't seen the memories yet" Is what she gets out of all of it.

"What the fuck are you talking about? What memories? I don't give a fuck about memories, Mel. I just fucked up. Big time. My Mate may never forgive me for it. He will hate me forever. And even if he forgives me, I will never forgive my-"

"Shut up Del and listen carefully" she flips on the voice she uses with clients. She means business.


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