Chapter #2- "Because you are My Mate!"

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Songs stuck in my head- Kiwi by Harry Styles 💋

And Only Angel😇 by Harry Styles.

And Carolina 💅 (again) by Harry Styles.

Oh My God. I think I am in love. With Harry. Styles.

Scratch that people. I know I am in love with MY Hazza ❤
And his album... I am at a loss of words guys... I love it. I just love it. JUST LOVE IT 💞

P.S. Yeah, it has been playing on rewind in my ipod for the past few days.

Chapter #2- "Because you are My Mate!"

"You have to be shitting me" I give the man who is My Mate an unbelievable look.

"Why else would I get it inked but that?" It is him who is giving me a look now as he leans down to pull the lapels of his pants up.

"Oh My Moon. You are freaking unbelievable" I don't know whether to slap him senseless or trace that tattoo with my tongue. I decide to just admire it with my eyes. For the time being.

"Why are you so shocked? I reckon humans who are deep in love with their better halves do it too" he shrugs, as if inking my name with his last name on his hips is no big deal.

"But- oh my... fuck it" I hide my face in my hands.

"What? You are My Mate! I of all the people have the right to ink your name on me" He snarls.

"Seriously?" I glare.


"Then why didn't you get a tattoo of Delilah Selene Raymond? That's my fucking name. I am a Raymond, asshole. Not a Black" I growl.

"But I intend to marry you as soon as I get back the papers I have filed. So your name would change legally anyway..." He trails off and my eyes widen to the size of saucers.

"Fuck. Was that your proposal?" I gape.

"My what?"

"Proposal? You know where people ask the love of their life to marry them?" I roll my eyes, making my mind to reject his proposal, once I get him on his knees.

"People do that?!" He looks really surprised and I am about to tell him to go eat shit, when I realize that yeah... he follows werewolf culture. Not humans.

"You know what? Fuck it. I am not going to marry you either way. So you know what? You might as well make an appointment with your doc and get it removed. Because I am not changing my last name" I rant.

"You won't?" His eyes have lost their shine now.

"Nah. Nada. Ninete" I shake my head.

"What about I make you a deal?" He says as he pulls up his zipper.

"A deal?"

"Yeah. I let your friends work on the school, allow that Leech to stay in our town till the school is done, and you... well you think whether you want to change your last name or not after we are married?"

"What makes you think I am going to marry you?" I just have to think about it? And he'll let Tag stay?

"Because you are my Mate!" Is his closing arguement.


"I never thought I'd be alive to see this day" Tag says with a smirk and I narrow my eyes at him.

"What?" I ask with a growl and his eyes zoom over Alpha Ulysses' hand in my hair.

"You letting somebody play with your hair" He says in a staged whisper and T and Mel laugh.

Hey, Mate! (Cursed Mates #1)Where stories live. Discover now