Chapter #23-My Mate makes me angry at silly (and sometimes not so silly) things.

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Chapter #23- My Mate makes me angry at silly (and sometimes not so silly) things.

I feel like I am a spectator of a Nadal v/s Federer tennis match. My eyes keep bouncing from Tag to Van, and then back to Tag as I wait for something to... explode maybe? I donno what it is that I am expecting to happen.

Taggart's eyes are filled with so many emotions, it is hard to name all of them, but the one I see in abundance is relief. That makes me sad for some reason, seeing my friend's eyes glassy.

As for Vanessa, hers are more feral. Like a caged amimal. Anxious, and there is something else in them too... something that I cannot quite pinpoint because it is so very clouded with anxiety.

"I... uh... please excuse me" Vanessa mumbles under her breath and she walks briskly towards the door where Tag and Mel are standing, along with Beta Anthony. I see her looking around the room, (in search of another exit maybe?) and when she doesn't find what she is looking for, her lips tighten in a grimace.

"Nessa-" Tag whispers the name he used to call her when they were dating, and even though I cannot see her face, I see her whole body tense. She is displeased and agitated.

"Don't" Is the only thing she says as she stands in front of him, waiting for him to get out of her way.

"Nessa..." Tag sounds so pained and it hurts me. Hearing him sound so vulnerable hurts me. My eyes are starting to blur. Damn.

"Can you please excuse me Beta?" Van sounds meek and Beta Anthony looks confused standing beside Tag, blocking the way, but he scoots.

"Thank you" Van whispers in a soft voice and before she can even take a step fuether, Tag's hand latches on her elbow in a vice grip.

"Do not walk away from me Love" He sounds so fierce and I see Van's face turn stony as she says, "Do not fucking touch me"

It is the first time I have heard Van cuss, the time I had known her before, albeit short, she did not cuss. Ever.

I see Tag's eyes turn dark, and I do not know why he is angry, but in a nick of a second, the two of them are out of the room, and if I were not a werewolf, I wouldn't have been able to tell you that Tag used his freakish Vampire speed to steal her away.

A cry escapes my lip, and I don't even realize I am running after them, until I feel a strong hand clasp my middle to pull me back.

"What the-?" The sparks are enough to tell me who is holding me back, but before I can complete my sentence, my Mate is dragging me back to the table.

"Let me go" I growl and try to wiggle out of his hold, key word: try; he is way to strong for me to actually get out of his hold.

"Land your ass on one of the seats, witch. You ain't going to watch them kiss and make up too" Spice drawls out, and for a moment, I lag in his hold, waiting for Mel to contradict his order and go entertain herself with Tag and Van's drama. But she surprises me by following Beta Anthony to the dining table and taking the seat that Van had previously occupied.

My Mate sits down and pulls me on his lap, one hand around my abdomen, the other holding the spoon.

"Let go of me!" I growl, frustrated and confused (Wtf? Why is Mel listening to him? Mel doesn't listen to anyone. No one at all!) beyond belief.

My Mate does the opposite, making sure that he tighthens his hold on me to the point that I can feel his touch to my bones.

"Enjoy your food" He says, his voice emotionless, and Mel scowls.

"I realize why you are keeping her away from the drama, but why am I restricted from following the vamp couple?" She pouts, even when she is helping herself to some pot roast.

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