Chapter #29- Who is the Oracle?

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Song- How Long- Charlie Puth.He is baeeeeeeee❤

Chapter #29- Who is the Oracle?

"What's the catch, Abeula?" My Mate asks the old woman, his eyes hard, his voice cold.

"Ulysses..." Liv looks troubled and I see T stiffen beside her, looking ready to pounce at my Mate for bringing that look on his Mate's face. 

"I am no fool, Abeula" My Mate says sternly, ignoring a cringing Liv and a fuming T. "The witches don't help us shifters, especially at the time of the war, unless they have something in it for them"

"Is it not enough that if we lose they will be in danger too?" Damon frowns, defensive for his Grandma's coven.

"Ulysses is right, kids" The old woman says softly and Damon and Liv give her a 'you've-gotta-be-shitting-me-you-old-hag' look.

"The witches are willing to aid y'all in the war, if and only if the to-be Alpha couple visit the Oracle-" Before she has even completed her sentence, 20 different voices shout in sync.


I blanch but the old lady barely looks fazed.

"You've got some nerve Abeula" Tulia sneers, "coming on our territory amd asking our Alpha to visit that... that disgrace" Damon glares at Tulia for a mini-second for talking so rudely with his Grandma but he looks like he agrees with her.

"We are not stupid, Lady" Tag's voice is cold, sending a shiver running down my spine. "We do not need you or your coven's help if the price is for Del to visit a woman who has no right to even breathe. My vampires will help them, so they will definitely not be needing you or your coven's help"

 "Our Seer had a vision... where he saw the Hyenas trying to bribe the Fae and some Demons that the to-be Luna has crossed paths with to fight" The Old lady says blankly and a collective gasp echoes in the room.

I know we cannot fight the faes and definitely not the demons without some magic on our side too, so I know this is the point where I step in.If we are going to fight a war, we might as well fight to win.

"I am ready to visit the Oracle" I say with no hesitation, wondering why on earth everyone is making a big deal out of it. It's just a meeting, right? And as far as I know, the Oracle is a lady as old as time. So I am basically agreeing to have tea with a really really old woman.

My Mate's gaze on me is intense, and I squirm, but the old woman looks smug. 

"When do we meet the... Oracle?" My Mate asks the old lady, though his eyes have still not left my face.

"After the war is won" She whispers.

"You may leave now, Abeula. But know this, if the witches try to cross me or my mate, well y'all are still on my territory" Ulysses threat is as clear as distilled water and even though it is not directed towards me, I feel the goosebumps.

A strong wind comes again, and the old lady is gone.


Every one leaves minutes after the old lady, sparing me wary glances, most filled with pity, and T walks up to me.

He stares my mate down and then informs, "I am going to have to borrow my best friend from you for a few minutes"

Without waiting for my Mate's reply, he tugs my hand and pulls me away from my Mate.

"Mel, Tag, Bas, come along" T orders, and surprisingly, they do as said.

"You are not going to eat us, are you?" Mel asks, biting her bottom lip. "She was the stupid one who agreed to have a rendezvous with that old hag, not us..." 

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