Chapter #4- It's all in the eyes...

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I had to get this chapter out ASAP Because you guys couldn't guess my favorite song and it was driving me nuts!

It is mentioned below and I have added a link of the same above so those of you who haven't heard it already can get on it!

I still can't believe nobody guessed it!

P.S. Anyone watching Harry Styles' Carpool karaoke?!

P.P.S. I know I am about to watch it for the 5th time...

Chapter #4- It's all in the eyes...

Tag is sprawled on the couch like a King, watching TV, T is sitting on the floor by the floor to ceiling windows, looking out of it and probably trying to locate a diner or some place where he could eat nearby; Olivia is on the other side of the room, glaring daggers at T and standing ram rod straight and Mel is frowning on the computer screen, trying to figure out how Google Map works.

My Mate gives me a look and I give one right back.

I am not going to be the one who kicks them out. Nuh uh. He's the one who has to talk, so he might as well throw them out.

"You all have overstayed your welcome" My Mate says in a gruff voice once he comes to term with the fact that I am not going to take any action.

Tag frowns.

"Excuse me?" He raises a brow and looks at Alpha Ulysses.

"You all need to leave. It's 9:00 o'clock and My Mate and I want to spend some time alone before we leave for office" He glares at Tag.

"Uh, Lys?" My Mate shifts his glare towards Olivia who doesn't even flinch at its intensity.

"What?!" He snarls.

"You don't have to go yo the office today. We have to start discussing plans with them about the school, remember?" She says it like he is dumb for not remembering it.

Before My Mate can say anything, the door bell rings.

Liv goes to open the door and I and Spice share a look.

Who is it now?!

"Why the fuck did you not tell me you were coming?!" Hades growls at Teague and not waiting for a reply, jumps on him, taking him in a bear hug.

It is awkward as fuck and I wonder if my sis in law will be jealous.

My head rotates 90° and I see Becs hugging the shit out of Mel.

Yeah... they've been united after too long, huh?

"Why is he here?!" Becs and Hades ask at the same time pointing at Tag who rolls his eyes.

"I missed you both two" He says sarcastically.

"Not asking it in a bad way, Tag. But what the fuck are you doing here?" Becs asks as she makes her way to the couch to sit beside him, and hugs him sideways.

"I am here to help with the construction of the school, love" He gives her a small smile and Hayden growls.

"Distance Tag. Keep your distance from MY Becca" He snaps and Tag smirks at me. I shake my head.

"Hades" I tsk.

"Tell him, Del. Or I swear-" He cuts off whatever he was about to say and instead asks, "Shouldn't you be in London? Chopping Reese into pieces and feeding it to fucking vultures for going against your words"

"Reese... did I tell you that he has lodged a formal complaint aginst you to the court?" Tag looks at me squarely and I sigh.


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