Chapter #13- Hayden and Rebecca Open Up.

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Song I like to here all the time- There's Nothing holding me back by Shawn Mendes

Chapter #13- Hayden and Rebecca Open Up.

Hayden is glaring daggers at me and I am extending the same courtesy to his Mate.

Why do you think we are playing the glaring game? Because Hades is an asshole. And so am I. And so is Becs.

"She won't leave until she gets what she wants, Baby" Becs tells Hades and I pretend to gag at the use of the cliché nickname.

Hayden sighs, "You are right, Becca" and pulls Becs on his lap as he unravels his sandwiches.

"I ordered mayo for you" I tell Becs with a smile, hoping to win some brownie points, but all she does is flips me off.

Rude much?

"Whatever" I scarf down one sandwich, and then tell them, "I don't have all the time of the world. Tell me what the fuck is up with you both before my Mate comes here"

They stop feeding each other (they are that annoying couple who engages is tooooo much PDA) and an intense look is shared by them.

This makes me pause mid bite and consider what is it that has them both so wound up.

"Del..." Becs starts and the way she says my name makes me forget about the food in front of me (it isn't even that good) and stare at her with apt attention.

Becs takes a deep breath and starts, "Four years ago... Hayden and I decided that it was time we have a baby-" Her voice wobbles on the word 'baby' and Hades squeezes her ever so lightly, staring at her lap and not looking up to meet my eyes.

I don't understand. They want to have a baby? That's good, right? So why are they so upset? I know Becs is not pregnant, because her scent hasn't changed, but they should know better than me that it is very difficult for werewolves to conceieve.

Sometimes it even takes decades for a couple to have a baby.

"And we went to the pack doctor to ask for advice... on how we can have a baby ASAP... and there we learned that... we learned that..." She starts sobbing after that and will I be considered heartless if I snap at her to cry later and tell me what the fuck she learned first?

I am about to open my mouth, (fuck heartless) but one look from Hayden has me shutting it back.

"It's okay, woman. Lemme take it from here, yes?" Hayden pulls her into him and rubs her hair softly as she cries in his chest.

To me he says, "We discovered that Becca's uterus has cysts and it was so bad that we had to get her uterus removed and her fallopian tubes sealed"
I gasp. I was NOT expecting that.

"Oh Becs..." I don't know what to say further, but my heart breaks for my brother and his Mate.

"Yeah... she underwent surgery in Australia, three years ago" Hayden's voice has forced indifference.

My brother.....

"And well... I didn't want Becca to lose hope, you know? So... Becca and I we started looking into adoption and stuff-" I cut him off.

"Supernaturals are not allowed to adopt humans" I remind him and he rolls his eyes.

"Yeah... I know that, we were planning on adopting a supe kid you know?" I cut him off again.

"Isn't that kinda impossible? I mean all super natural orphans are under the care of The Supernatural Council... and they do not allow adoptions" I state as a matter of fact. Thanks Tag and his random facts.

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