Chapter #32- Negotiations- A Curse and A Promise.

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Song- Bedroom Floor by Liam Payne.

I am loving Liam's music too damn much to study for my exams! XD

Chapter #32- Negotiations- A Curse and A Promise.

"Okay, so you are telling us that this trip to hell that we undertook in the middle of a war is useless? Out of Paul and you, only you can counter our curse and you cannot do it until...." I trail off, my cheeks burning red.

"Until Alpha Black impregnates you, yes" The Underworld Queen nods. Ron smirks seeing me all flustered and I am tempted to flip him off, but I restrain my urges.

"And why exactly is that?" I glare at the queen, not really scared of her now considering how she is talking about me and my mate making babies.

The Queen just sighs and says, "Because you and your brooding Mate, my dear Delilah, have outlasted your share of the curse, so for the time being, the curse is dormant. It will only be active once you have his seed" She points at Alpha Black, "-in your womb" Okay this lady needs to stop talking about my uterus like it is a freaking basket!

Before I can say exactly that to Her Highness, my Mate speaks up, in a grim voice, "I am not stupid, Queen. One trip to the Underworld is all a supernatural shifter can make. We may have reached your brother's palace with Ron's help today safely, but even he cannot bring us here again without us being stuck here forever"

I take that in and scowl. How come I didn't know about it before?

"You really are as smart as the rumours say" The Queen gives him an impressed smile.

"So nothing can be done then?" I feel my heart sink.

"Unless you and your Alpha wish to stay here and try to recreate, which will take Satan knows how long, considering how shifter's are not swimmers, I am afraid nothing can be done" Ron says sounding as upbeat as ever.

I really really want to flip him off now. And couple it with a knee in the groin maybe?

"Oh don't be so pessimistic, Ronaldinho" The Queen, his sister in law chides him. "How can I be the most powerful demoness of the Underworld if I don't have some tricks up my sleeve?"

"So you can do something for us?" I ask her with a lot of hope.

"For that scale that Eduardo has sent you with, I can do anything" The Queen says sounding cheerful, but her eyes gleam dangerously and I feel a trickle of fear run down my spine. In the back of my mind I realize that until now, we hadn't told the Queen that it was Ed's scale that we have brought.

"What can you do?" My Mate asks her, his eyes narrowing.

"I can curse your line-"

"No fucking way" My Mate growls.

"-so that your progeny won't be able to recognize their mate until they turn 18" The Queen continues as if my mate hadn't interrupted her.

"That is actually smart" Her brother looks at her as if she hung the stars in the sky.

"So what do you say, Alpha Black? You could send your sons before they turn 18 -or before they claim-bite anyone to come see me- and I will remove this curse from them and counter the curse my father had put on your bloodline" She explains.

"You would do that?" I ask her, not really willing to trust her.

"I swear it on the dragon's scale that lies in that beautiful pouch you hold" She tells me sincerely and then as if reading my mind, she adds, "Not all demons are evil, Delilah. I am desperate enough to counter that stupid curse my father laid on that idiot Ashley" She tells me seriously.

Hey, Mate! (Cursed Mates #1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz